Transcript of remarks by SLW on TTPS

     ýÿFollowing is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, on the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) at a media session after attending a radio programme this morning (November 11):
Reporter: Some coverages have urged the Government to announce the exact places where the talent comes from. Would the authorities consider this? Also, as you mentioned that most of them are from the Mainland, do you think this would create any concerns in the community? 
Secretary for Labour and Welfare: Set aside for the moment their residency, if you look at where all applicants under the TTPS were upon applying before coming to Hong Kong, around 20 per cent of them were staying overseas when they submitted their applications. In particular if we look at Category C applicants under the TTPS, those who are either fresh graduates or with less than three years of work experience, around 40 per cent were staying overseas when they made their applications. This is by self a clear indication of the attraction of the TTPS to those with overseas education experience and qualifications. 

     When these people come into Hong Kong, what we need to do first of all, of course, is to provide facilitation so they can stay here. This includes looking for accommodation, and if they have children, taking care of their education needs. The most important thing is to help them find a job. On that respect, we have recently collaborated with the insurance sector in holding an online job matching forum which proved to be a success. The response was overwhelming. Through that event, we have successfully found jobs for quite a number of people coming to Hong Kong under the TTPS.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Saturday, November 11, 2023
Issued at HKT 11:55