CE leads delegation to begin visit programme in Shanghai (with photos/videos)

     ýÿThe Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, led a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government delegation to Shanghai today (November 4) and began the visit programme.
     Upon arrival in Shanghai at noon, Mr Lee and the delegation met and exchanged views with Hong Kong people and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises in Shanghai to learn more about their work, study and daily life. Noting that Hong Kong people and enterprises in Shanghai have been making significant contributions to the co-operation and development between the two places, Mr Lee expressed his hope that they will continue to support the HKSAR Government's efforts in liaison and promotion work in Shanghai and the Eastern China region, and tell the good stories of Hong Kong together.
     In the afternoon, Mr Lee met with the Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Mr Chen Jining, and the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Gong Zheng. Mr Lee thanked the Shanghai Municipal Government for attaching great importance to Shanghai-Hong Kong co-operation over the years, and providing thoughtful assistance to Hong Kong's active participation in the China International Import Expo (CIIE).
     Mr Lee said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference, noting that the two places have held five plenary sessions since 2003 and have established strong and long-term relationship in such fields as economy and trade, education, technology, culture, and youth exchanges. He added that he looks forward to pursuing broader, deeper, and higher-level collaboration between the two places.
     After the meeting, Mr Lee and Mr Gong jointly witnessed the signing of five co-operation agreements or memoranda of understanding between relevant department/organisations of the two places in areas including co-operation on vocational and higher education, scientific research and people training, co-operation on research and innovation, industry collaboration, and co-operation on international arbitration.
     Mr Lee and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, then visited Shanghai United Family Hospital (ChangNing) to receive a briefing on the latest development of local healthcare services and understand the development of Hong Kong-funded private medical services in Shanghai.
     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, visited the SAIC Group to learn more about the group's business, particularly its innovative developments in new energy vehicles and technologies in electric intelligent connected vehicles, as well as its business expansion plans.
     In the evening, Mr Lee attended a welcome dinner of the CIIE, where he interacted with various participants from all over the world.
     Mr Lee tomorrow (November 5) will attend the opening ceremony of the CIIE and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, and will respectively deliver a speech at the seminar on Channelling Global Business through Hong Kong under the Hongqiao International Economic Forum and the Invest in China Year Summit. Meanwhile, Mr Chan will speak at the parallel session of "Revitalizing Real Economy with Financial Resources".

Ends/Saturday, November 4, 2023
Issued at HKT 19:00