Opening speech by SITI at HKSTP x HKUST x Infineon Microelectronics Ecosystem Conference (English only) (with photo)

     Following is the opening speech by the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, at the HKSTP x HKUST x Infineon Microelectronics Ecosystem Conference today (August 22):

Albert (Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), Mr Albert Wong), David (President of Infineon Technologies Greater China , Mr David Poon), Dr Kim (Associate Vice-President for Research and Development (R&D) (Knowledge Transfer) of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Dr Kim Shin-cheul), distinguished guests, speakers, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning. I am very pleased to join you all today at this conference, demonstrating the power of microelectronics in Hong Kong and its macro impact on the world with the powerhouse alliance of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Infineon Technologies. 

     On this special occasion, apart from celebrating the first-year milestone of the "HKSTP x Infineon" co-incubation program, we can also take today's opportunity to recognise HKUST's commitment to advancing knowledge through teaching and research, and translating research outcomes into applications; learn more about the top-notch infrastructure of HKSTP, such as the Sensor Packaging and Integration Laboratory, and the up-and-coming Microelectronics Centre for the microelectronics industry; and to appreciate Infineon's global innovations and inspiring achievements with more than 40 tech showcases. 

     Hong Kong is home to a pool of highly skilled microelectronics professionals who specialise in various areas such as smart chip design, electronic design automation, advanced packaging, and silicon photonics. We have a distinct advantage in smart chip design, which should be utilised for fostering the growth of microelectronics technology and related industries in Hong Kong.

     In this regard, we put our focus on enhancing the I&T (innovation and technology) ecosystem in Hong Kong, promoting collaboration and development across all sectors of the industry, including the microelectronics industry. Hong Kong has a clear advantage in the upstream sector due to our strong R&D capabilities, and our potential for unexpected breakthroughs. To further enhance our basic research in cutting-edge fields, the Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) Government will earmark an additional HK$3 billion funding this year to support the development of relevant facilities.

     This year's Budget also announced that the Government will support the establishment of a Microelectronics Research and Development Institute to promote the development of microelectronics in Hong Kong, with the aim of creating a leading institute on microelectronics development in the Asia-Pacific region. The Institute will be tasked with strengthening collaboration with universities, R&D centres and the industry and expediting the "1 to N" transformation of research outcomes, thereby further enhancing our I&T ecosystem.

     Today, we are celebrating the building of a Microelectronics Ecosystem in Hong Kong. We strongly believe that the further growth and development of this ecosystem can catalyse economic growth, drive technological advancement, foster collaboration, nurture talent, diversify industries, and enhance global recognition. It has the potential to position Hong Kong as a prominent player in the field of microelectronics and contribute to the long-term development as an innovation-driven economy.

     Simultaneously, we are intensifying our efforts in promoting industry development and microelectronics is one of these key industries. Our efforts also extend to attracting high-potential and influential strategic I&T enterprises from across the globe, to set foot or expand their businesses in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancement, it is crucial to recognise the opportunities that lie within this vibrant region.

     Ladies and gentlemen, Hong Kong stands on the brink of unprecedented advancement, ready to harness the immense potential of microelectronics and other cutting-edge technologies. It is essential that we collaborate with brilliant minds such as yourselves to realise this potential. May I wish today's conference great success. Thank you very much.

Ends/Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Issued at HKT 13:07