Multiverse - Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2024 calls for entries

     Multiverse - Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2024, jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Designers Association, and organised by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM), is now calling for entries. Designers worldwide are welcome to submit their posters online. The submission deadline is October 20, 2023.

     Since its debut in 2001, the Hong Kong International Poster Triennial is now in its eighth edition. Through organising international poster design competition, exhibition and talks, each Triennial aims to assemble a distinct collection of posters and foster graphic design education, thus enhancing cultural exchanges with other countries and regions.

     The theme of this Triennial is "Multiverse" that encourages designers to explore the infinite realm of creative imagery. There are four categories in the competition, namely "Thematic: Multiverse", "Promotion of Cultural Programmes", "Commercial and Advertising" and "Animated Poster". Assessments will be made based on originality, creativity and technical competence. Printed posters, and/or animated or motion graphic posters are welcomed.

     This year, two independent specialist judging panels will be formed by prominent international designers and team. Members of the printed poster judging panel are Eric Chan (Hong Kong, China), Huang Hai (China), Felix Pfäffli (Switzerland), Shinnoske Sugisaki (Japan) and Eva Wendel (Germany). Members of the animated poster judging panel are Henry Chu (Hong Kong, China), Thomas Widdershoven (the Netherlands), and team Tin Nguyen and Edward Cutting (Australia/the United States). Each category will feature Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, and there will also be eight International Judges Awards for the competition. All award-winning works and selected entries will be showcased in the exhibition tentatively scheduled to be held in late 2024 at the HKHM and featured in the exhibition publication.

     Please visit the Hong Kong International Poster Triennial website for competition details and email for enquiries.

Ends/Monday, August 21, 2023
Issued at HKT 16:00