City under the Moon: Dance Drama "Tide of Era" by China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater to stage in September (with photos)

     At the Leisure and Culture Services Department (LCSD)'s invitation, over 100 members of the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater will visit Hong Kong and stage the troupe's original contemporary dance drama "Tide of Era" at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in September, to celebrate the advent of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The production portrays the struggles and touching stories of ordinary folks amid epochal changes, and presents the development of 40 years of reform and opening up of the country through innovative dance interpretation. Tickets will be available from tomorrow (August 15).
     The "Tide of Era", with National Class One director Tong Ruirui as the chief director, brings together a group of talented dance drama performers and has been well received since its premiere in 2021. As a realism-themed dance drama, the "Tide of Era" breaks usual patterns and applies the innovative concepts of modern dance to make new attempts in dance vocabulary and stage presentation. The unique choreography of dance segments with tidal wave-like group dances in different but progressive rhythms projects the tremendous power of the tides of times. Dancers in solo and pas de deux use their body movements to portray vivid characters and delicate emotions, and deliver the theme song about times of change in dance idioms. Meanwhile, the stage design features geometric shapes formed by lines and surfaces as the major means of visual expression. The skilled use of multimedia and lighting created a multi-layered and dynamic visual space, presenting a contemporary, tech-savvy and futuristic sense of the dance drama.
     The state-level China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater is a long-standing and large-scale arts troupe engaged in the composition and staging of national opera and dance dramas. Since its founding in 1951, the troupe has adhered to its mission of preservation and innovation, and created and staged over a hundred operas and dance dramas. The arts troupe has been invited for touring performances all over the world, and has won plaudits from audiences from all walks of life for its legendary works, sophisticated performance and top-notch artistic personnel.
     City under the Moon: Dance Drama "Tide of Era" by the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater is presented by the LCSD. This is also a programme of the "Chinese Performing Arts Hong Kong Season" Series, with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the advisory units. It will be held at 7.30pm on September 23 and 2.30pm on September 24 at the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Tickets priced at $180, $240, $300 and $380 will be available at URBTIX ( from tomorrow (August 15) onwards. For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288. For programme enquiries and concessionary schemes, please call 2268 7323 or visit

Ends/Monday, August 14, 2023
Issued at HKT 15:13