Hong Kong organ transplant experts visited Big Data Centre of National Health Commission for Human Tissue, Organ Transplant and Medicine for collaboration

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     An organ transplant expert delegation led by the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority (HA), Dr Tony Ko, visited Guangdong province today (May 20), meeting with the Mainland organ transplant experts to have in-depth exchanges on organ donation, allocation, transplant and relevant system and mechanism between the two places.

     Dr Ko said, "We hope that, after this visit, organ transplant experts in Hong Kong will have a more in-depth understanding towards the organ donation, allocation, transplant and relevant system and mechanism in the Mainland. We will follow the policy direction of the Health Bureau, exploring to develop a regular organ transplant collaboration system with the Mainland, to strive for saving more precious lives."

     Members of the delegation included organ transplant experts and organ donation co-ordinators from different public hospitals, health informatics and information technology staff from the HA and representatives from the Health Bureau. The delegation visited the Big Data Centre of National Health Commission for Human Tissue, Organ Transplant and Medicine to understand the operation of human organ allocation in the Mainland; the Mainland experts also briefed the delegation on a computer system managing the information of organ donors and recipients nation-wide, amid to match organs through a scientific and systematic mechanism. Experts from the two places made in-depth exchanges during the visit.

     Dr Ko said Hong Kong and the Mainland have a lot to learn from each other on the operation of organ donation, allocation and transplant. This visit deepened the understanding between the two places, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of a collaboration mechanism.

     The Health Bureau is proactively exploring a collaboration mechanism on cross-border organ transplant with relevant Mainland authorities. The HA will follow the policy direction of the Health Bureau, continue to strengthen the communication and exchange on the issues related to cross-border organ transplant so as to push forward and implement the policy that are beneficial to the public, and to ensure that the donated organs must be transplanted to patients most in need in a safe, legal, fair and equitable manner, to assist the patients in need to rekindle their lives.

Ends/Saturday, May 20, 2023
Issued at HKT 19:43