Hospital Authority's two-day recruitment events in London successfully held (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) delegation participated in the recruitment events in London of the United Kingdom (UK) organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government for two consecutive days (April 1 and 2). The events were held successfully with more than 500 medical students and medical practitioners participating in person and online to learn about the latest pathway to work in Hong Kong, registration arrangements, specialist training development, etc.

     The HA Chief Executive, Dr Tony Ko, summed up the activities and said, "During the two-day events, members of the delegation had very constructive discussions and exchanges with medical students and medical practitioners. We introduced to them the working environment of public hospitals, training ladders, living arrangements, etc, for employment in Hong Kong. A dedicated team from the HA has been arranged to maintain close contact with the participants. We will verify qualifications of those interested in working in Hong Kong and complete the relevant approval and appointment procedures as soon as possible. We will also assist them in other procedures as well as provide other necessary support so that they can start working in Hong Kong without any worries."

     During their stay in the UK, the delegation will also visit three medical schools that award medical qualifications recognised by the Special Registration Committee to exchange views and explore co-operation on the latest developments in medical training, professional fields and academic areas.

     The delegation, composed of representatives from the HA, the Department of Health and the two medical schools in Hong Kong, explained to the medical students the pathways to obtain full registration, especially through the special registration pathway which can exempt them from examination to obtain full registration after working for a certain period in Hong Kong's public healthcare institutions. Moreover, the delegation also introduced to them the opportunity to receive specialist training in public healthcare institutions and the arrangements for obtaining specialist qualifications after returning to Hong Kong, with a view to attracting more non-locally trained doctors to join the public healthcare sector and serve patients in Hong Kong.

     The Government has earlier announced 75 medical qualifications recognised by the Special Registration Committee. The HA will make every effort to recruit eligible non-locally trained doctor through limited or special registration. The HA will also actively promote these schemes in different countries and regions to attract more non-locally trained doctors to join Hong Kong's public healthcare sector to meet the growing demand of services.

     The HA has established various online platforms (see appendix) to handle enquiries from medical students and medical practitioners and will provide full assistance.

Ends/Monday, April 3, 2023
Issued at HKT 19:24