LCSD urges public to keep venues clean during New Year's Eve

     In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) appealed to members of the public today (December 30) to observe the regulation on wearing masks at all times while celebrating New Year's Eve at the department's venues in order to reduce the chances of spreading the virus in the community. Furthermore, members of the public should not litter at the LCSD's venues.
     The LCSD appealed to members of the public to wear masks at all times when being present in any public place in accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I). Offenders are liable to prosecution.
     The LCSD will work with other government departments to implement a series of measures on New Year's Eve to reduce the chances of spreading the virus in the community and to maintain cleanliness and safety at LCSD venues including Tamar Park, the Central and Western District Promenade - Central Section, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre (HKCC) Piazza, Salisbury Garden, the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, the Avenue of Stars, Middle Road Children's Playground, Tsim Sha Tsui East Waterfront Podium Garden and the Urban Council Centenary Garden.
     An LCSD spokesman said, "The LCSD will step up patrols at relevant venues and will call upon venue users to comply with the mask-wearing requirement in public places. Enforcement action will be taken against offenders. Our staff, together with law enforcement teams of relevant departments, will also step up patrols and take action against littering, illegal hawking and acts that disrupt public order maliciously, among others. Offenders are liable to prosecution."
     The public announcement systems at the HKCC will also broadcast messages on crowd management, the requirement on wearing masks and anti-littering on a regular basis during the holiday. Crowd control measures will be implemented at the HKCC Piazza, Salisbury Garden, the Avenue of Stars and the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade based on actual conditions. Members of the public are advised to pay attention to the announcements, follow the instructions of the duty personnel and mind their safety.

Ends/Friday, December 30, 2022
Issued at HKT 11:00