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Security Bureau expresses deep regret over misleading commentary in Ming Pao regarding online appeal calling for participation in protests
     ýÿA commentary titled "why patriotic students also turn into 'black-clad' protestors?" (translation) written by Mr Tsang Chi-ho was published in Ming Pao today (December 2). The writer intentionally mixed up the recent activities in Hong Kong which were called for on the Internet in the name of commemorating the event in Urumqi but in reality were attempting to incite against the Central Authorities, with certain incidents happened in the Mainland. The commentary is misleading and downplays the signs of instability in Hong Kong. Members of the public may be easily led to let down their guard against being incited to participate in activities suspected of endangering national security. For this, the Security Bureau (SB) expressed deep regret.
     "The Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, clearly pointed out earlier that the relevant activities were called for on the Internet and plotted by various social media platforms, including some social media platforms which are primarily anti-China. These activities were highly co-ordinated with the participation of some active members of the serious violent protests in 2019. Members of the public should not be incited to participate in such activities," a SB spokesman said.
     The spokesman said, "Members of the public have the right to know. The SB also has a duty to inform members of the public of the information it has in hand, with a view to safeguarding the safety of our people. It is regrettable that the writer disregarded the facts, and even questioned the observations and alerts concerned. In the article, he deliberately downplayed the signs of instability in local society, and ignored the consequences of members of the public being incited to participate in activities suspected of endangering national security."
     The spokesman said, "The writer has previously disclosed that he had already left Hong Kong. Members of the public, especially young people, must heighten their vigilance, as some people will not give up and will always seek to endanger the security of our country and Hong Kong. These people may now be enjoying elsewhere the political dividends obtained by betraying Hong Kong and our country. Members of the public must stay alert."
Ends/Friday, December 2, 2022
Issued at HKT 20:48
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