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Immigration Department holds "Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise" roving exhibition
     ýÿThe Immigration Department (ImmD) will hold "Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise" roving exhibition next week. Members of the public are invited to visit and admission is free.

     "The Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise has entered its final stage. The last application date for replacement of new smart identity cards at Smart Identity Card Replacement Centres is February 11, 2023, while the collection service will be maintained until March 3, 2023. Through the roving exhibition, we hope to remind citizens who have yet to replace or collect their new smart identity cards to proceed to the Replacement Centres as soon as possible for the procedures", an ImmD spokesman said. 

     Apart from informative panels, a transparent touch-screen display and promotional videos introducing the new smart identity card will be set up on site. Moreover, relevant promotional materials and souvenirs will be distributed.

     Details of the roving exhibition are as follows:
Date and time Venue
10am to 6pm on November 22 (Tuesday) and 23 (Wednesday) Atrium A, L2, MOSTown, Ma On Shan
10am to 6pm on November 26 (Saturday) and 27 (Sunday) L1, Discovery Park, Tsuen Wan
     The roving exhibition will later be held in other districts and the details will be announced in due course.
Ends/Friday, November 18, 2022
Issued at HKT 17:05
Today's Press Releases