CSD strengthens fight against gambling activities in correctional institutions ahead of World Cup 2022(with photos)

     ýÿThe Correctional Services Department (CSD) said today (November 18) that in light of the upcoming World Cup 2022, the department had planned in advance to strengthen the fight against gambling activities in correctional institutions.
     Speaking at a press briefing, the department's Superintendent (Inspectorate and Security) Mr Wong Pak-wing said, "The CSD always strives to combat gambling activities in correctional institutions. Given that major soccer competitions have given rise to gambling activities in correctional institutions in the past which affected institutional order and discipline, the CSD has conducted a number of anti-gambling measures and operations in the past few months, including closely monitoring and detecting target persons in custody through security surveillance systems and intelligence networks, and has taken timely actions to curb gambling activities in correctional institutions so as to maintain institutional stability."
     Chief Officer (Inspectorate and Security) Mr Chen Siu-fung said that during the period from July to October this year, in addition to routine searches, officers of the institutional Security Sections conducted an average of about 1 100 special searches, night raids and joint search operations per month, which was about 44 per cent more than the monthly average in the first half of this year. During the operations, a total of 60 persons in custody were disciplined for participating in gambling activities or possessing gambling-related contraband.
     The CSD reiterates that no gambling activities will be tolerated in correctional institutions, and it will continue to take stringent anti-gambling measures during the World Cup period.

Ends/Friday, November 18, 2022
Issued at HKT 15:15