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Government suitably relaxes social distancing measures further
     Having assessed the epidemic risk and the need for resuming social and economic activities, the Government announced today (November 10) that the social distancing measures will be suitably relaxed further with effect from November 17 such that citizens' livelihood may continue to resume normalcy in an orderly manner.
     The social distancing measures to be relaxed with effect from November 17 include:

(1) For premises in which patrons usually wear masks, the Vaccine Pass requirement will be changed from "active checking" to "passive checking". In other words, persons-in-charge of these premises will no longer need to actively check patrons' vaccination records or exemption certificates upon their entry. However, patrons will still need to comply with the vaccination requirements under the Vaccine Pass to enter the premises, and present the relevant records or exemption certificates as required by law enforcement officers during spot checks or other enforcement actions.
     Premises which will be changed from "active checking" to "passive checking" aforementioned are as follows:
(i) amusement game centres;
(ii) places of amusement (including billiard establishments, public bowling-alleys and public skating rinks), but excluding the public skating rinks where patrons are allowed to exercise without a mask;
(iii) places of public entertainment (such as theme parks, museums), but cinemas and performance venues where patrons are allowed to eat and drink as well as catering premises in theme parks will still be subject to "active checking";
(iv) club-houses (catering premises and other applicable scheduled premises therein will still be subject to "active checking");
(v) mahjong-tin kau premises;
(vi) event premises;
(vii) barber shops/hair salons; and
(viii) religious premises. 

     Under existing inbound control arrangements, holders of Amber Code (i.e. inbound persons from overseas places or Taiwan during their first three days on arrival) cannot enter premises subject to "active checking", but may enter premises subject to "passive checking" subject to compliance with the vaccination requirements under the Vaccine Pass. The premises subject to "active checking" and "passive checking" following the aforementioned adjustments are listed in Annex 1.
(2) With regard to the checking of compliance by patrons of requirements in relation to the Vaccine Pass and the use of "LeaveHomeSafe", the administrative arrangements for markets managed by the Government will be aligned with the relevant requirements for private markets, i.e. both will be subject to "passive checking".
(3) Eating and drinking will be allowed at performance venues (whether indoors or outdoors), spectator stands of outdoor sports premises, as well as outdoor areas of racecourses.
(4) Campsites and other outdoor leisure venues managed by the Government will be re-opened.
(5) The minimum 1.5-metre distancing requirement between each participant in training groups or classes with more than 12 persons in fitness centres will be lifted. Instead, sub-groups of 12 persons will be required to keep such a distance in between each sub-group.
     Other social distancing measures will remain unchanged, including the requirement for participants in banquets as well as patrons of bars/pubs and clubs/nightclubs to undergo rapid antigen test (RAT); as well as mask-wearing for passengers on public transport carriers and in specified public places.
     The Government will closely monitor the epidemic development, particularly on the transmission of new mutant strains, and review the social distancing measures in every 14-day cycle ahead with a view to making adjustments where appropriate. This aims to gradually allow social and economic activities to resume on the premise of protecting public health.
     Specific measures (see details of the restrictions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) in Annex 2) to be in force during the period from November 17 to November 30 include:
(I) Catering business
(1) The maximum number of persons per table for catering premises is 12, and banquet activities with no more than 240 persons each are allowed. All patrons who enter the catering premises for attending banquets or enter the bar/pub zone therein must present proof of a negative RAT result obtained within 24 hours or a negative polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid (PCR) test result obtained within 48 hours. Otherwise, they should be denied entry.
(2) The maximum number of persons per table for bars/pubs is six, and the total number of patrons is capped at 75 per cent of their capacity. All patrons of bars/pubs must present proof of a negative RAT result obtained within 24 hours or a negative PCR test result obtained within 48 hours before entering the relevant premises. Otherwise, they should be denied entry.
(3) Mask-wearing requirement during photo-taking on stage at events held at catering premises and bars/pubs is exempted. Furthermore, live performance and dancing activity are allowed in catering premises and bars/pubs, on the premise that relevant performers must conduct regular tests (i.e. two PCR tests in every seven days, and an RAT on the same day before entering the premises for performance or rehearsal), wear masks as far as practicable, and keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from the audience or patrons (or with effective partition). Performers and the audience or patrons should not mingle on the premises. Participants of dancing activity must wear masks while they are dancing.
(4) Other requirements and restrictions on catering premises and bars/pubs remain in force, including that all patrons, when they are away from the table, must not consume food or drink and must wear a mask in general, and they must scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" venue QR code using the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application on their mobile phones/other mobile devices before entering the premises (excluding persons who only order takeaway). Operators of catering premises and bars/pubs are required to use the latest "QR Code Verification Scanner" mobile application provided by the Government to scan the QR code of a patron's vaccination record, medical exemption certificate or recovery record.
(II) Scheduled premises
(5) For swimming pools, sports premises, fitness centres, beauty parlours and massage establishments, bathhouses, party rooms, clubs/nightclubs, karaoke establishments and cruise ships (namely "cruise-to-nowhere" itineraries), managers must comply with the relevant restrictions under Cap. 599F. In particular, the number of persons per group is capped at 12 in general. All staff members involved in the operation of scheduled premises must conduct an RAT once every three days before entering the premises. The maximum number of persons per table for clubs/nightclubs is six, and their patrons should continue to be denied entry unless they can present proof of a negative RAT result obtained within 24 hours or a negative PCR test result obtained within 48 hours before entering the relevant premises. 
(6) Staff members and patrons alike must wear a mask at all times save for exempted circumstances. Mask-wearing requirement during photo-taking on stage at events held at scheduled premises is exempted. Users are allowed not to wear masks when they are exercising in sports premises as well as fitness centres which meet the requirement on air change.
(7) Live performance and dancing activity are allowed in clubs/nightclubs, cinemas, museums, as well as meeting rooms/function rooms in club-houses and hotels or guesthouses, on the premise that relevant performers must conduct regular tests (i.e. two PCR tests in every seven days, and an RAT on the same day before entering the premises for performance or rehearsal), wear masks as far as practicable, and keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from the audience or patrons (or with effective partition). Performers and the audience or patrons should not mingle on the premises. Participants of a dancing activity must wear masks while they are dancing.
(8) For training groups or classes with more than 12 persons in fitness centres, each sub-group of 12 persons should keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from each other.
(9) For club-houses and hotels or guesthouses, managers must continue to comply with the relevant restrictions under Cap. 599F, and the catering premises, bars/pubs and scheduled premises therein must comply with all applicable requirements.
(10) For amusement game centres, places of amusement (excluding public skating rinks where patrons are allowed to exercise without a mask), places of public entertainment (excluding cinemas and performance venues where patrons are allowed to eat and drink), club-houses, mahjong-tin kau premises, event premises, barber shops/hair salons, religious premises, shopping malls, department stores, supermarkets and markets, the manager/person-in-charge must comply with the relevant restrictions under Cap. 599F, including fulfilling the relevant Vaccine Pass requirements under the mode of "passive checking".
(11) The restriction on the number of persons allowed in premises such as cinemas, performance venues, museums, event premises and religious premises remains at 85 per cent of their capacity.
(12) Patrons may eat and drink in performance venues (whether indoors or outdoors), cinema houses, outdoor areas of theme parks, spectator stands of outdoor sports premises, as well as outdoor areas of racecourses.
(III) Mask-wearing requirement
(13) The mandatory mask-wearing requirement under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) will be extended. A person must wear a mask all the time when the person is boarding or on board a public transport carrier, is entering or present in an MTR paid area, or is entering or present in a specified public place. Persons are allowed not to wear masks if they are present in outdoor public places in country parks and special areas as defined in section 2 of the Country Parks Ordinance (Cap. 208), or are conducting strenuous physical activity (e.g. exercising or jogging) in outdoor public places.
(14) Under Cap. 599I, if a person does not wear a mask in accordance with the requirement, an authorised person may deny that person from boarding a public transport carrier or entering the area concerned, as well as require that person to wear a mask and disembark from the carrier or leave the said area. A person in contravention of the relevant provision commits an offence and the maximum penalty is a fine at level 3 ($10,000). Authorised public officers may issue fixed penalty notices to persons who do not wear a mask in accordance with the requirement and such persons may discharge liability for the offence by paying a fixed penalty at $5,000.
(IV) Group gatherings
(15) Unless exempted, group gatherings of more than 12 persons in public places is prohibited. The requirement is also applicable to group gatherings in catering premises, bars/pubs and scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F in which the relevant requirements or restrictions are not complied with.
(16) Subject to relevant requirements, local group tours with no more than 30 persons may continue to be conducted. The relevant requirements include (i) relevant staff have received three doses of vaccine, and conducted an RAT on the same day before the commencement of local group tour activities, and (ii) all tour participants have fulfilled the prevailing Vaccine Pass requirements. If all tour participants have conducted an RAT on the same day of the tour before the commencement of local group tour activities, the relevant restriction on the number of participants will be relaxed to 100 persons.
(17) Any person who participates in a prohibited group gathering; organises a prohibited group gathering; owns, controls or operates the place of such a gathering; and knowingly allows the taking place of such a gathering commits an offence under Cap. 599G. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months. Persons who participate in a prohibited group gathering may be issued fixed penalty notices and they may discharge liability for the offence by paying a fixed penalty at $5,000.
     A Government spokesman said, "The Government will continue to uphold the principles of science-based and targeted anti-epidemic measures, proper management of risks and citizen-focused facilitation, and closely monitor the epidemic trend as well as prudently adjust social distancing measures. This serves to prevent Hong Kong from backtracking along the path to normalcy due to any change of the epidemic."
     "Vaccination is the most essential approach to combat the COVID-19 epidemic. Children aged between 6 months and 4 years may now receive the toddler formulation of the Comirnaty vaccine for free at any Children Community Vaccination Centre, and parents may make a booking online in advance. As winter is approaching, we urge citizens to receive COVID-19 vaccine and seasonal influenza vaccine as early as practicable to protect the health of themselves and their family members."
Ends/Thursday, November 10, 2022
Issued at HKT 22:35
Today's Press Releases  
