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United Christian Hospital announces incident of healthcare workers being assaulted
The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority.

     ýÿThe spokesperson for United Christian Hospital (UCH) made the following statement today (November 7) regarding an incident of healthcare workers being assaulted:

     A 55-year-old male COVID-19 confirmed patient left a cubicle of the isolation ward without permission in the early morning of November 6. He then proceeded to the nursing station. Some medical instruments were damaged and healthcare workers were struck by a drip stand while trying to stop the incident, resulting in two nurses being injured. Security guards arrived on the scene to assist and made a report to the Police immediately. The patient concerned was brought under control eventually and was transferred back to the isolation cubicle.

     The two injured nurses were sent to the hospital accident and emergency department for treatment; one nurse suffering from a facial injury required sutures, while the other nurse suffered a dental injury and needed further treatment. The hospital immediately strengthened security outside the cubicle as to avoid a similar occurrence.

     The hospital is highly concerned about the incident, expressed sympathy for the injured staff and will provide timely treatment to them. The hospital will also provide psychological support to them and all staff involved in the incident. The hospital resolutely adopts a zero tolerance attitude to any workplace violence, strongly condemns the violent acts of the patient concerned, and will follow up seriously and fully co-operate with the police investigation. UCH has all along attached great importance to work safety for its staff under prevailing guidelines and measures to prevent workplace violence. The hospital will review and strengthen safety measures in the ward to ensure workplace safety, and appeals to patients to co-operate with and follow the instructions of healthcare workers for their own well-being and the public interest.

     The hospital has reported the incident to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advanced Incident Reporting System.
Ends/Monday, November 7, 2022
Issued at HKT 19:25
Today's Press Releases