CEDD commences Environmental Impact Assessment studies for artificial islands in Central Waters

     The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) announced today (December 24) that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for the artificial islands in the Central Waters will commence in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the EIA Study Briefs issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). At the same time, studies on climate change adaptation, carbon neutrality and biodiversity issues will be conducted to put forward concrete proposals.
     The EPD issued today the EIA Study Briefs for (i) Reclamation for Kau Yi Chau (KYC) Artificial Islands; (ii) KYC Artificial Islands Development; and (iii) Hong Kong Island - Northeast Lantau Link.
     A spokesperson for the CEDD said, "The CEDD will commence the statutory EIA studies in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the EIA Study Briefs, and will ensure compliance with the provisions in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process."
     During the course of the studies, public discussion could be focused on the environmental impacts brought about by the three projects and the corresponding mitigation measures. The CEDD will collectively consider the cumulative environmental impacts arising from the proposed projects, and seek the EPD's approval on the EIA reports upon completion of the EIA studies.
     The spokesperson also said that in view of the Advisory Council on the Environment and public concern, not only will the study team conduct the EIA studies in accordance with the Study Briefs, in-depth studies will also be carried out on climate change adaptation, carbon neutrality and biodiversity issues. Relevant reports will be released after the completion of the studies.
     The artificial islands in the Central Waters are envisaged for development into a carbon-neutral community with wider use of renewable energy, energy-efficient designs and technologies, green mobility, more advanced recycling and waste management measures, etc. To combat climate change, the artificial islands will be a resilience pioneer featuring good resilient design and management, emergency preparedness, flexibility and future-proofing design concepts. In addition, the development of the artificial islands will also make reference to the Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to implement conservation measures and promote biodiversity, including blue-green infrastructures, urban forestry, and eco-shorelines. 

Ends/Friday, December 24, 2021
Issued at HKT 15:30