"Build a Secure Cyberspace" webinar to raise public awareness of cyber pitfalls (with photos)

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) jointly organised the "Build a Secure Cyberspace 2021" webinar cum GIF graphic design contest award presentation ceremony today (September 24). The theme of the webinar is "Be Smart Online, Stay Away from Pitfalls", which aims to enhance the knowledge to avoid cyber pitfalls and build the law-abiding awareness of the public.

     Speaking at the webinar, the Assistant Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Jason Pun, said that digital transformation of various trades has been expedited under the new normal of the epidemic situation, which also brings more challenges to information security. He reminded the public to pay attention to cyber security and take appropriate measures to defend against cyber attacks at all times.

     "The Government attaches great importance to cyber security and aims to raise public awareness of cyber attacks and online scams. The OGCIO has been collaborating with professional organisations to organise seminars, cyber security contests and award programmes to raise public awareness of cyber security, enable members of the public to understand the associated risks and impacts, and equip them with correct attitudes and knowledge about the Internet, which is especially important for the youth," Mr Pun added.

     At the webinar, representatives and experts from the HKCERT, the HKPF and the information security industry shared their experiences in various topics, including digital payment security, privacy issues in using social media and instant messaging software, and proper use of the Internet to avoid breaching the law. The GIF graphic design contest award presentation ceremony was also held alongside the webinar. Entries were judged in three categories, namely primary school, secondary school and open groups. By way of their GIF graphic designs, contestants reminded the public to pay attention to cyber security and cyber pitfalls, and to adopt a correct attitude when surfing the Internet. Mr Pun praised the contestants for their creative works in conveying the messages of guarding against cyber attacks and dealing with cyber pitfalls through vivid and interesting GIF graphic designs. The winning entries can be viewed and downloaded at Cyber Security Information Portal (www.cybersecurity.hk/en/contest-2021.php).  

     ýÿThe "Build a Secure Cyberspace" campaign is an annual event co-organised by the OGCIO, the HKPF and the HKCERT. The campaign aims to raise the public's awareness of cyber security and enhance their cyber resilience capabilities through a variety of promotional events including seminars, creativity contests, radio publicity programmes and school talks.

Ends/Friday, September 24, 2021
Issued at HKT 17:32