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Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme fosters students' positive values and attitudes (with photos)
     ýÿThe Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, today (September 13) officiated at the Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 and presented prizes to awarded students. He commended their excellent performance and encouraged them to explore the pleasure of studying history through reading, as well as nurture a high standard of moral values.
     The Award Scheme is jointly organised by the Education Bureau (EDB) and the e-Learning Development Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Speaking at the ceremony held at Loke Yew Hall, HKU, Mr Yeung said that the EDB has been striving to enhance history education in recent years, including the implementation of Chinese History as an independent compulsory subject at the junior secondary level, the implementation of revised Chinese History and History curricula at the junior secondary level, the organisation of a variety of professional development programmes for teachers, as well as the production and introduction of diversified learning and teaching resources so as to provide assistance for teachers to promote the learning and teaching of History.
     He encouraged students to understand good words and deeds of historical figures and to explore different facets of historical events through reading. Students can learn from their moral values and characters so as to become citizens with a sense of national responsibility, an affection for Hong Kong as well as an international perspective.
     The Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 integrated three major learning elements, including the promotion of History subject-based reading, e-learning, and self-directed learning, which can effectively enhance students' interest and motivation in history learning. The Award Scheme enabled them to understand history correctly through reading and cultivate positive values among them. By using the interactive e-platform, students can read articles on different themes and historical periods, and complete the questions entailed.
     The Award Scheme has been launched in three consecutive years. This year, the Scheme was held from April to July, with over 13 500 students from 143 secondary schools participating, which is the highest in the three years. A total of 67 students who performed excellently were awarded the "Certificate of Merit"; while 10 student teams, with a total number of 28 students, were awarded the "Certificate of Creativity". The list of awardees will be uploaded onto the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk) later.
     The newly introduced "Creativity Award" enabled students to demonstrate their creativity and produce various creative works, such as computer animation, graphic design and three-dimensional models so as to illustrate positive values shown by the historical figures and events in the articles.
     After the prize-presentation ceremony, awardees and their respective teachers shared their learning experiences and insights. There was also an exhibition in the venue, displaying the winning entries of the "Creative Award", to showcase the learning achievements of the awardees.
Ends/Monday, September 13, 2021
Issued at HKT 18:19
Today's Press Releases  


The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, speaks at the Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 today (September 13).
The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung (centre), attended the Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 today (September 13), and is pictured with Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance) of the University of Hong Kong, Mr Steve Lo (fifth right); the Deputy Secretary for Education, Mrs Hong Chan Tsui-wah (fifth left), and other guests.
The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung (first right), presents prizes to awardees at the Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 today (September 13).