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SCS inspects COVID-19 vaccination arrangements for students (with photos)
     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited the Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) at Queen Elizabeth Stadium to view the administering of a COVID-19 vaccine to students and staff members from three schools this morning (July 14).

     Some 180 students and staff from Po Kok Primary School, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College and Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School received the BioNTech vaccine at the CVC through group bookings.

     "Since the launch of the two measures of school outreach vaccination service and reservation of time slots for vaccination at CVCs through group booking, more than 350 primary and secondary schools have expressed interest in arranging for their staff and students to get vaccinated, with more schools opting to use the group booking service. So far, 142 schools have arranged for their students to receive vaccination at CVCs through the group booking service. Meanwhile, parents can also make their own appointments at CVCs for their children to get vaccinated.

     "Vaccination can protect oneself against the virus and will help resume a more normal school life. We need more young people's support to get vaccinated so as to help build an immune barrier in Hong Kong as soon as possible. I hope that students, school staff and parents can actively support the vaccination programme by getting vaccinated as early as possible to protect themselves and their family," Mr Nip said.

     To facilitate vaccination of students, school staff and parents, schools can choose to reserve time slots at CVCs through group bookings. The Government will arrange to transport them between schools and CVCs. Should the schools have a certain number of staff members, students and parents for vaccination and be able to provide suitable venues with cleaning arrangements, the Government can arrange for the outreach vaccination service at schools, which will be provided by the medical teams of the current CVC operators.

     Mr Nip also expressed his gratitude to the medical team and administrative support staff of the CVC at Queen Elizabeth Stadium for providing the vaccination service for the students, school staff and members of the public.

     The minimum ages for receiving the BioNTech vaccine and the Sinovac vaccine are 12 and 18 respectively. Members of the public can visit the designated website at www.covidvaccine.gov.hk to learn more about vaccination and make appointments for getting vaccinated. The Government reminded youths and their parents that persons aged 12 to 17 are required to bring along a consent form signed by their parents for getting vaccinated. The consent form can be downloaded from the designated website.
Ends/Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Issued at HKT 16:39
Today's Press Releases  


The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip (third row, third left), visits the Community Vaccination Centre at Queen Elizabeth Stadium to view the administering of the BioNTech vaccine to students and staff members from Po Kok Primary School, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College and Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School there this morning (July 14).
The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited the Community Vaccination Centre at Queen Elizabeth Stadium to view the administering of a COVID-19 vaccine to students and staff members from three schools this morning (July 14). Photo shows Mr Nip (front row, right) chatting with a student from Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School (front row, left) who was vaccinated.
Po Kok Primary School, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College and Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School arranged for their students and staff members to receive the BioNTech vaccine at the Community Vaccination Centre at Queen Elizabeth Stadium through group bookings this morning (July 14). Photo shows a student from Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School receiving her COVID-19 vaccination.
Po Kok Primary School, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College and Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School arranged for their students and staff members to receive the BioNTech vaccine at the Community Vaccination Centre at Queen Elizabeth Stadium through group bookings this morning (July 14). Photo shows students and staff members from Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission Lau Wing Sang Secondary School waiting at the vaccination zone.
The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited the Community Vaccination Centre at Queen Elizabeth Stadium to view the administering of a COVID-19 vaccine to students and staff members from three schools this morning (July 14). Photo shows Mr Nip (third right) and representatives from the medical team of the Community Vaccination Centre showing their support for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.