CE welcomes Report on the Grade Structure Review for the Disciplined Services

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (June 23) received the Report on the Grade Structure Review for the Disciplined Services from the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service (SCDS) and issued the following statement:

     The last grade structure review (GSR) for the disciplined services was completed in 2008. Over the past decade, Hong Kong's social environment, economy, technological development and landscape have all witnessed considerable changes. In recognition of these changes, which no doubt have an impact on the nature and amount of work of the disciplined services, and the fact that there are no comparable jobs in the private sector for benchmarking, I announced in the 2018 Policy Address that a GSR for all disciplined services would be carried out to ensure that the grade structures and remuneration of the disciplined services are effective in attracting and retaining talent. 
     Upon the Government's invitation, the SCDS and the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service (SDCS) conducted a thorough review of matters concerning the disciplined services including their job nature, operating environment and challenges faced, as well as their recruitment and retention situation and career progression. During the process, the two committees met with staff and departmental management and reviewed submissions received from the relevant staff associations. I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to both committees for their effort in completing the review amidst some unprecedented challenges posed by the social unrest and the COVID-19 epidemic. I have instructed the Civil Service Bureau to consult relevant stakeholders and examine the review findings and recommendations as soon as possible, with an aim of seeking approval of the revised grade structures by the Legislative Council within this legislative year.

     I notice that both committees have in their Report taken note of concerns expressed by the staff side on matters that went beyond grade structure issues. They have also addressed those matters in the Report for consideration by the Government. I will invite relevant bureaux/departments to consider those concerns separately to come up with a government response.

     ýÿHong Kong is blessed to have a dedicated and professional civil service and the seven disciplined services departments/agency are playing a pivotal role in ensuring the rule of law. They are often at the front line to keep the city safe and form the backbone to law and order in Hong Kong. The unprecedented social unrest and the national security risks we have seen are posing additional challenges to the disciplined services. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all disciplinary colleagues for their perseverance, solidarity and commitment in serving the public even amidst difficult times.

Ends/Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Issued at HKT 17:00