Beach users reminded to comply with anti-epidemic requirements

Attention radio/TV announcers:

Please broadcast the following at suitable intervals:

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has resumed lifeguard services at 15 gazetted beaches from April 2. The department reminds beach users to maintain an appropriate social distance with other people as far as possible. Members of the public should strictly observe regulations on the prohibition of group gatherings. The number of people in group gatherings should not be more than four. The public should wear masks at all times on beaches (except while swimming). Offenders are liable to prosecution.

     The LCSD also calls on members of the public to observe water safety. Please do not enter the water when lifeguard services are not available or the red flag is hoisted.

Ends/Sunday, April 4, 2021
Issued at HKT 8:30