CE visits EPD waste-to-energy and recycling facilities (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, together with the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, and the Director of Drainage Services, Ms Alice Pang, visited waste-to-energy and recycling facilities of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (February 15) to learn more about the work of the Environment Bureau (ENB) in resources circulation and recyclables separation to achieve the vision of "Waste ReductionıÿResources CirculationıÿZero Landfill" set out in the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035.
     The first stop in the visit programme of Mrs Lam and the other officials this morning was one of the EPD's Recycling Stores, GREEN@SHEUNG WAN, where they viewed the new recycling facility in the community. Mrs Lam noted that the EPD has set up nine Recycling Stations, 22 Recycling Stores and over 100 Recycling Spots in the territory at present to form the new GREEN@COMMUNITY recycling network. The Recycling Stores are operated in the form of a store. They have received over 50 000 visitors in less than three months since their operation began and the newly launched GREEN$ electronic participation incentive scheme has also attracted nearly 30 000 household or individual members. Mrs Lam said she was delighted that the new experience of the Recycling Stores has been well received by the public and that they have also welcomed the Recycling Spots, which are more convenient. These initiatives would encourage more people to integrate the practice of waste reduction and recycling into their daily lives. In addition, in support of the Government's objective of creating employment, the ENB has created about 100 temporary jobs under its GREEN@COMMUNITY network, including the provision of job opportunities for young people who aspire to pursue careers in the green industry.
     Mrs Lam and the other officials then visited OD¡PARK1 at Siu Ho Wan on Lantau Island, which is the first organic resources recovery centre in Hong Kong for converting food waste into electricity. They were briefed on the whole process of recycling food waste and converting it into biogas for power generation through the application of advanced biotechnology. As the daily food waste treatment capacity of OD¡PARK1 is only about 200 tonnes, the EPD is constructing OD¡PARK2 and putting food waste or sewage sludge anaerobic co-digestion on trial to meet needs.
     Next, they went to Tuen Mun to visit TD¡PARK, another state-of-the-art waste-to-energy facility in Hong Kong, where EPD staff members introduced to Mrs Lam the technology of turning sewage sludge generated from sewage treatment facilities into electricity. The capacity of 2 000 tonnes of sludge that T · PARK handles per day is sufficient to deal with the sludge generated by the sewage treatment works in Hong Kong. Since the opening of TD¡PARK five years ago, the leisure and educational facilities available for visits and use by members of the public by appointment have been very well received, especially its T · SPA, with close to 280 000 people having visited the park.
     As distinguished examples of public architecture, both OD¡PARK1 and TD¡PARK have received BEAM Plus green building certification and won a number of awards. For example, TD¡PARK received many international and local awards in areas including architecture, engineering, sustainable development and design. The innovative designs of OD¡PARK1 and TD¡PARK also provide spaces for green education with the integration of learning and conservation facilities. Similarly, WEEED¡PARK, the waste electrical and electronic equipment treatment and recycling facility, and ID¡PARK, an integrated waste treatment facility under construction, also include facilities for educational purposes.
     "I announced in the 2020 Policy Address in November last year that Hong Kong would strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, the ENB must continuously implement environmental measures to support the reduction of carbon emissions and waste, which include making greater efforts in promoting waste reduction and recycling in the community as well as constructing advanced waste-to-energy facilities to further turn waste into resources. Various government bureaux and departments will fully support the ENB to promote the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035 to realise the vision of 'Waste ReductionıÿResources CirculationıÿZero Landfill'. All the work requires community-wide support. I hope that the Legislative Council can finish scrutinising the bill on charging for municipal solid waste and pass it as early as possible to assist in waste and carbon reduction to combat climate change, build a circular economy and create more job opportunities," Mrs Lam said. 

Ends/Monday, February 15, 2021
Issued at HKT 21:31