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ENB's "Hong Kong·GO Green" virtual tour showcases waste management and recycling facilities and green technologies (with photos)
     The annual Eco Expo Asia is taking place from today (November 16) to November 27 as an online exhibition this year. The Environment Bureau (ENB) continues to fully support the exhibition and has launched the virtual tour "Hong KongýÿGO Green" that enables members of the public to experience online the city's latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of various green technologies. It also aims to promote the reduction of both waste and carbon emissions.
     A spokesperson for the ENB said, "The Bureau spares no effort in enhancing its waste management facilities and system, expanding the recycling network in the community and exploring the application of green technologies proactively to encourage the public to embrace a green lifestyle. The 'Hong KongýÿGO Green' virtual tour will disseminate green messages through the showing of videos and slideshows as well as displaying online exhibits." The "Hong KongýÿGO Green" virtual exhibition will be composed of three exhibition zones to introduce the latest community recycling network, waste reduction and recycling facilities, and the application of green high-technologies.
     The community recycling network zone highlights 22 new Recycling Stores, nine Recycling Stations and over 100 Recycling Spots across Hong Kong. The zone will also share information about the Community Smart Recycling Vehicle and the Reverse Vending Machine, which will be launched soon.
     The waste management and recycling facilities zone spotlights the four state-of-the-art facilities in Hong Kong that transform waste to resources and energy. They include the first organic resources recovery centre which handles food waste, namely OýÿPARK1; the sludge treatment facility, TýÿPARK; the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility, WEEE·PARK, and the Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 1. These facilities signify Hong Kong's dedication to implementing the sustainable use of resources through waste reduction strategy.
     The green high-tech zone will feature a wide variety of green technologies through an interactive approach, including a 360-degree virtual reality (VR) application to demonstrate the environmental outcome of an Environmental Impact Assessment project. Through a four-dimensional VR demonstration, participants will vividly experience how acoustic windows help reduce traffic noise while allowing natural ventilation. The zone will also introduce the Green Tech Fund, Floating Solar Power System, Solar Harvest, and the Countryside Conservation Office. These exhibits will illustrate how innovative green high-technologies are part of people's daily lives.
     Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and co-organised by the ENB, this year's Eco Expo Asia is a key feature of the HKTDC Autumn Sourcing Week. Members of the public are welcome to take the ENB's virtual tour via the link: virtualbooth.hktdc.com/ASWO2020/ENB/ and browse other content of Eco Expo Asia to learn about the development of the environmental industry and green technologies.
Ends/Monday, November 16, 2020
Issued at HKT 16:05
Today's Press Releases  


Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the "Hong KongýÿGo Green" virtual tour with three exhibition zones that enable members of the public to experience Hong Kong's latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies.
Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the "Hong KongýÿGo Green" virtual tour with three exhibition zones that enable members of the public to experience Hong Kong's latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies.
Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the “Hong KongýÿGo Green” virtual tour that enables members of the public to experience Hong Kong’s latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies. The community recycling network zone highlights the new Recycling Stores, Recycling Stations and Recycling Spots across Hong Kong. The zone will also share information about the Community Smart Recycling Vehicle and the Reverse Vending Machine.
Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the “Hong KongýÿGo Green” virtual tour that enables members of the public to experience Hong Kong’s latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies. The community recycling network zone highlights the new Recycling Stores, Recycling Stations and Recycling Spots across Hong Kong. The zone will also share information about the Community Smart Recycling Vehicle and the Reverse Vending Machine.
Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the “Hong KongýÿGo Green” virtual tour that enables members of the public to experience Hong Kong’s latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies. The waste management and recycling facilities zone spotlights the four state-of-the-art facilities in Hong Kong that transform waste to resources and energy.
Eco Expo Asia is taking place as an online exhibition from today (November 16) to November 27. The Environment Bureau has launched the "Hong KongýÿGo Green" virtual tour that enables members of the public to experience Hong Kong's latest community recycling network, waste management and recycling facilities as well as the application of green technologies. The green high-tech zone will feature a wide variety of green technologies through an interactive approach.