Mobile broadcast conducted to appeal to foreign domestic helpers to comply with regulations on prohibition of group gatherings and mask-wearing requirement in public places (with photos)

     ýÿThe Labour Department (LD), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Police Force (the Police) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, starting from today (August 8), conducted mobile broadcasts for two consecutive days in popular gathering places of foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) to call upon them to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of group gatherings and mask-wearing requirement in public places.  

     Publicity vans parked at popular FDH gathering places across the territory to broadcast reminders in Chinese, English and major FDH languages (including Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia and Thai) to call upon FDHs to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of group gatherings of more than two persons and mask-wearing requirement in public places. During the broadcasts, promotional leaflets were distributed by officers from the departments concerned to appeal to FDHs to maintain environmental hygiene and refrain from conducting unlicensed hawking activities, including cooked food or other hawking activities. Also, the Police increased manpower to step up patrols at those places.
     The LD's spokesman said, "The Government announced on August 3, 2020 ( that it had gazetted directions and specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Wearing of Mask) Regulation (Cap. 599I) to extend the social distancing measures already in place, including prohibition on group gatherings of more than two persons in public places and requiring a person to wear a mask at all times when the person is boarding or onboard a public transport carrier, is entering or present in an MTR paid area, or is entering or present in a public place (indoor or outdoor). Offenders are liable to prosecution. The Government reminds employers and FDHs to observe and comply with the relevant requirements and restrictions." 

     The LD will continue to conduct publicity to FDHs and appeal to them to avoid non-essential gatherings, stay at home for rest as far as possible, and maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene at all times to safeguard their personal health and public health.

Ends/Saturday, August 8, 2020
Issued at HKT 19:30