Legislative amendments proposed for provision of pilotage services in Mirs Bay

     The Government proposes to amend the Pilotage Ordinance (Cap 84) and its subsidiary legislation to establish three pilot boarding stations in Mirs Bay and to set the pilotage dues for the provision of pilotage services in the region.

     Under the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, certain visiting vessels are required to be under the pilotage of licensed pilots within Hong Kong waters. Licensed pilots are master mariners who are familiar with the local marine environment. They provide navigational advice to masters of those visiting vessels when plying within Hong Kong waters.

     A spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau today (October 18) said, "There is currently no pilot boarding station in Mirs Bay. With the increase in the number and size of vessels transiting Mirs Bay, we see the need for pilotage services in the region to ensure navigation safety."

     The Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development and the Pilotage Advisory Committee have been consulted. Members supported the legislative proposals.

     The proposed amendments have been gazetted today and will be tabled at the Legislative Council on October 23 for negative vetting.

Ends/Friday, October 18, 2019
Issued at HKT 11:05