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Over $2.2 million raised for Little Life Warrior Society at Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament (with photos)
     ýÿHong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club as one of the department's 110th anniversary celebration events. Over $2.2 million was raised for the Little Life Warrior Society (LLWS), a local non-profit-making charity organisation assisting cancer child patients.

     Founded in 2002, the LLWS is a non-profit-making charity organisation, which comprises child patients, recovered patients, parents and healthcare workers, aiming to provide various types of assistance to children under 18 suffering from cancer or severe blood diseases. All of the funds raised by this charity event were donated to the LLWS for extending and strengthening its services so as to benefit more needy children and their families.

     The General Administration of Sport of China offered great support to the tournament and arranged for two world champions from the Chinese national badminton team, namely Hong Wei and Chai Biao, to visit Hong Kong and play an exhibition match against members of the Hong Kong badminton team. They also expressed their sincerest blessings to "little life warriors" and encouraged them to fight against disease with courage.

     Twelve teams from different government departments and a statutory body, the Macao Customs Service, the private sector and the Hong Kong badminton team took part in the tournament. They were divided into four groups to compete in the Trophy Competition and the Plate Competition, and the champions and other prize winners were decided through exciting contests. The "Hospital Authority" team was the champion of the Trophy Competition, while the  "Hong Kong Customs" team won the first runner-up prize and the "Immigration Department" team and the "Fire Services Department" team were the second runners-up. For the Plate Competition, the "Hong Kong Police Force" team was the champion, with the "Leisure and Cultural Services Department" team winning the first runner-up prize and the "Hong Kong Correctional Services Department" team and the "Macao Customs Service" team becoming the second runners-up.

     The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, and the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, also attended today's event as guests of honour. Mr Lee presented prizes to the winners while Professor Chan witnessed a donation presentation ceremony. They expressed their gratitude to Hong Kong Customs for holding the meaningful event, as well as the donors for their generosity in supporting the LLWS.

     Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang, said the department decided to organise fund-raising activities with charitable organisations at this special moment amid the approach of the 110th anniversary, and with an aim of helping to build a caring and inclusive society.

     Mr Tang also said that Customs' development into a law enforcement agency with some 7 500 staff is a result of the combined effort of many generations of predecessors. The department will remain committed under its motto of "Serve the Community with Commitment and Excellence" with a view to making contributions to the prosperity and stability of the country and Hong Kong and will continue to participate in various forms of voluntary work to contribute to society.

     About 250 guests, including the Deputy Director-General of the Police Liaison Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Deng Zhaofeng; Executive Council member Mrs Regina Ip; the Director of Immigration, Mr Tsang Kwok-wai; Legislative Council members Mr Chan Hak-kan, Ms Elizabeth Quat, Mr Jimmy Ng and Ms Yung Hoi-yan; the Director of Fire Services, Mr Li Kin-yat; the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Woo Ying-ming; the Director of Personnel and Training of the Police, Mr Li Kin-fai; the Assistant Director-General of the Macao Customs Service, Ms Chau Kin-oi; and private sector stakeholders, attended the event today.
Ends/Saturday, September 7, 2019
Issued at HKT 22:10
Today's Press Releases  


Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang, speaking at the closing ceremony to express his gratitude to the donors.
Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows (from left) the Assistant Commissioner and Chairman of the Sports and Recreation Club of the Customs and Excise Department, Mr Ellis Lai; the Under Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Chui Tak-yi; the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Sonny Au; the Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Louise Ho; and the Chairperson of the Little Life Warrior Society, Ms Ois Chan, officiating at the lighting ceremony to kick start the charity badminton tournament.
Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee (fourth left); the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (fifth left); and the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Hermes Tang (third left), presenting prize to the champion of the Trophy Competition.
Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee (fourth left), presenting prize to the champion of the Plate Competition.
Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan (centre), witnessing a donation presentation ceremony.
Hong Kong Customs today (September 7) held the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Club. Photo shows Hong Wei (back row, third right) and Chai Biao (back row, fourth right), the world champions from the Chinese national badminton team, expressing their sincerest blessings to "little life warriors" and encouraged them to fight against disease with courage.
The donors and guests are pictured at the closing ceremony of the Hong Kong Customs 110th Anniversary Charity Badminton Tournament today (September 7).