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Statement by Non-official ExCo Members on amendments to Fugitive Offenders Ordinance
     The following is issued on behalf of the Executive Council Secretariat:
ýÿ     The Non-official Members of the Executive Council (ExCo Members) today (June 15) issued the following statement on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government’s decision to suspend the legislative amendment exercise on the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance.
ýÿ     The ExCo Members supported the HKSAR Government’s decision to suspend the concerned legislative amendment exercise, restart the consultation, undertake more explanation work and listen to different views of society so as to ease the tense and polarised atmosphere in the community.
ýÿ     The ExCo Members noted that, in the past week, a large number of citizens took part in public processions and gatherings.  They were saddened that serious conflicts broke out after midnight following the public procession on Sunday (June 9) as well as during the protest in the vicinity of Admiralty on Wednesday (June 12), resulting in injuries to members of the public, a number of media workers and law enforcement officers.
ýÿ     The ExCo Members acknowledged that most members of the public who took part in the public processions were peaceful. Unfortunately, there were also scenes of conflict which complicated the situation.  Under these circumstances, the enforcement actions undertaken by the Police are understandable. The ExCo Members expressed that they would continue to offer their full support for the Chief Executive, and would call on members of the public to adopt a calm and rational manner when expressing their views, and to safeguard the civilised, free, open and pluralistic society of Hong Kong.
Ends/Saturday, June 15, 2019
Issued at HKT 18:10
Today's Press Releases