LCQ9: Issuance of Hong Kong identity cards

     Following is a question by the Hon Leung Yiu-chung and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, in the Legislative Council today (December 5):
     Regarding the issuance of Hong Kong identity cards by the Immigration Department, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the respective numbers of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards (HKPICs) and Hong Kong Identity Cards issued in the past decade, with a breakdown by the applicants' gender and the age group (i.e. aged (i) below 16, (ii) 16 to 24, (iii) 25 to 40, (iv) 41 to 64 and (v) 65 or above) to which they belonged when they applied for the identity cards; and 

(2) of a breakdown, by the following circumstances of issuance, of the number of HKPICs issued in the past decade: 

(i) permanent residents applying for the first time upon reaching the age of 11;

(ii) permanent residents applying for a replacement card upon reaching the age of 18;

(iii) Chinese citizens, who had met the eligibility criteria for application as they had ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years, applying for the first time;

(iv) non-Chinese citizens, who had met the eligibility criteria for application as they had ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years and had taken Hong Kong as their place of permanent residence, applying for the first time;

(v) children under the age of 11 applying in connection with their applications for a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport;

(vi) cardholders applying for a replacement card because their cards were lost, destroyed, damaged or defaced;

(vii) cardholders applying for a replacement card because they had changed the registered particulars on their cards; and

(viii) applications made in other circumstances, with a breakdown of such number by the 10 most common circumstances?



(1) According to the records of the Immigration Department (ImmD), the numbers of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards (HKPICs) and Hong Kong Identity Cards (HKICs) issued (Note 1) in the past 10 years are tabulated below: 
  Persons aged 18 or above Persons aged 11 to 17 Persons aged under 11
(Note 2)
Sub-total Persons aged 18 or above Persons aged 11 to 17 Persons aged under 11
(Note 2)
2008 269 817 88 483 53 247 411 547 148 260 16 925 0 165 185
2009 241 200 80 440 63 150 384 790 150 308 16 284 0 166 592
2010 247 064 75 910 70 974 393 948 156 466 15 932 0 172 398
2011 238 933 74 869 74 666 388 468 164 940 15 216 0 180 156
2012 265 488 71 450 82 429 419 367 179 965 13 789 0 193 754
2013 254 858 71 428 78 014 404 300 166 719 12 647 0 179 366
2014 233 343 66 239 77 679 377 261 168 149 12 712 0 180 861
2015 237 944 66 356 86 690 390 990 167 412 12 077 0 179 489
2016 240 585 70 062 83 896 394 543 177 651 14 849 0 192 500
2017 231 912 76 930 78 665 387 507 177 581 14 348 0 191 929
(January to October)
186 182 69 262 63 134 318 578 153 005 11 476 0 164 481
     ImmD has not maintained other breakdown figures mentioned in the question.

(2) The numbers of HKPICs which ImmD issued to persons aged 18 or above, persons aged 11 to 17, and persons aged under 11; and the numbers of HKPICs ImmD issued for replacement due to loss, destruction, damage or defacement of cards or changes of registered particulars on the cards in the past 10 years are tabulated below: 
  Persons aged 18 or above
(Note 3)
Persons aged 11 to 17
(Note 3)
Persons aged under 11
(Note 2 & 3)
Due to loss, destruction, damage or defacement or changes of registered particulars Sub-total
2008 151 068 74 963 51 842 133 674 411 547
2009 128 091 67 244 61 512 127 943 384 790
2010 120 956 62 175 69 038 141 779 393 948
2011 120 954 63 333 72 401 131 780 388 468
2012 130 276 58 741 79 990 150 360 419 367
2013 106 714 56 131 74 957 166 498 404 300
2014 99 015 54 920 74 356 148 970 377 261
2015 91 165 54 568 83 118 162 139 390 990
2016 82 496 59 499 80 671 171 877 394 543
2017 76 742 66 187 75 145 169 433 387 507
(January to October)
60 157 60 137 59 827 138 457 318 578

     ImmD has not maintained other breakdown figures mentioned in the question.

Note 1: Including identity cards issued due to loss, destruction, damage or defacement, registration of identity cards for persons who have attained the age of 11 and 18, and replacement of identity cards due to changes of registered particulars, etc.

Note 2: Under the Registration of Persons Regulations, children under the age of 11 are not required to register for an identity card unless the children are Hong Kong permanent residents who need to apply for HKPICs in connection with their applications for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passports.

Note 3: Excluding HKPICs issued due to loss, destruction, damage or defacement or changes of registered particulars.

Ends/Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Issued at HKT 12:45