TAC briefed on Government's follow-up actions on bus accident in Tai Po

The following is issued on behalf of the Transport Advisory Committee:

     The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) was briefed today (February 27) on the Government's follow-up actions in relation to a traffic accident involving a bus of Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB) that took place in Tai Po on February 10.

     Members of the TAC noted that the Police is now conducting an in-depth investigation into the traffic accident and the KMB will also conduct an independent internal investigation into the accident and submit a report to the Transport Department (TD) in a month's time. The TD will carefully scrutinise the report and take follow-up actions. The Chief Executive has also announced that an independent committee chaired by a judge will be set up to comprehensively review the operation and monitoring of franchised buses so as to ensure that public bus services in Hong Kong are safe and reliable. 

     The TAC Chairman, Mr Larry Kwok, said, "Members noted that the preparatory work for setting up the independent committee is being undertaken in full swing. Details of the committee, such as the terms of reference and membership, will be announced as soon as possible."

     In addition, the TD will comprehensively review the road environment and relevant traffic management measures of the subject road section, including studying whether the speed limit should be changed, and whether the warning traffic signs and road markings should be enhanced to further improve road safety.

Ends/Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Issued at HKT 17:06