SHA commends volunteer leaders of youth uniformed groups and outstanding youths (with photos)

     ýÿThe Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, today (December 28) officiated at the presentation ceremony for the Secretary for Home Affairs' Commendation Scheme 2017 and presented commendation certificates and pins to 39 volunteer leaders and 23 youth volunteer leaders of youth uniformed groups, as well as to 56 youths who have performed outstandingly in volunteer services and youth activities.
     Mr Lau congratulated the awardees of both categories. He said that uniformed groups had been providing diversified non-regular educational activities and leadership training, including stringent disciplinary training, local and overseas exchange activities and social service programmes, to help their members become good leaders and citizens. These activities and training programmes have also enabled young people to broaden their horizons beyond regular classes, develop positive values, enhance their confidence and sense of responsibility, foster co-operation and learn discipline with the aim of attaining whole-person development. He added that the youth uniformed groups had nurtured countless future pillars of society over the years, during which the volunteer leaders had played an important role in supporting and encouraging the young members as they grew up.
     Mr Lau also praised the awardees in the youth category for excelling in various areas. He noted that many awarded youths had served the community enthusiastically and participated in volunteer service actively to promote youth development and community building. Moreover, some awardees had achieved outstanding performance in youth development activities, including during exchange and internship programmes in the Mainland and through the Youth Ambassador scheme. He said that they were laudable as they had demonstrated excellent leadership skills and team spirit.
     Established in 2002, the Secretary for Home Affairs' Commendation Scheme recognises individuals who have made outstanding contributions to community building, community service, youth work and other areas, including a category dedicated to uniformed group volunteer leaders to commend their efforts and contributions in youth development. All the volunteer leaders commended in the ceremony had provided services for their respective uniformed groups for at least 10 years, while the youth volunteer leaders commended were aged 30 or below and had served their respective uniformed groups for at least five years.
     The Scheme introduced a youth category last year with the aim of recognising outstanding young people who have actively participated in social services, or have excelled in individual volunteer service or youth activities. It is also hoped that the Scheme's awardees will serve as role models for the younger generation and encourage young people to participate enthusiastically in volunteer services and youth activities.

Ends/Thursday, December 28, 2017
Issued at HKT 19:02