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InnoCarnival 2017 invites all to join in and have fun learning I&T (with photos)
     InnoCarnival 2017, organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, opened today (October 21) at the Hong Kong Science Park in Sha Tin. Members of the public are welcome to join in and have first-hand experience in Hong Kong's latest development of innovation and technology (I&T).
     The nine-day carnival, which runs from today until October 29, features a series of activities to help promote an I&T culture in the community. This year's InnoCarnival carries the theme of "Live Smartý˙Be Innovative".
     Addressing the opening ceremony, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang, said that strengthening popular science education and increasing public awareness are essential in driving I&T development.  Through a wide variety of activities, the InnoCarnival promotes science and technology knowledge across the community and raises public awareness of the importance of I&T to the economic and social development of Hong Kong.
     "I hope the carnival would encourage the public, in particular the younger generation, to have more interest in I&T, as well as inspire them to pursue a career in the field and work for the betterment of society," he said.
     The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation are campaign partners of the InnoCarnival 2017. Another around 70 programme partners including local universities, research and development centres, professional bodies, government departments, technology start-ups and youth education organisations, etc. will showcase their innovations and research achievements.
     Over 40 talks and seminars, more than 300 workshops and around 300 guided tours are open to members of the public.
     Admission is free and members of the public are invited to attend. For programme details and enrolment for the activities, please visit www.itm.gov.hk or contact the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups by calling 2561 6149 or emailing itmonth@hkfyg.org.hk.
     Other guests attending the opening ceremony today included the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Mrs Fanny Law; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; Legislative Council Members Dr Lo Wai-kwok, Mr Charles Mok; the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Mr Andy Ho; the Business Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Ms Crystal Cheng; the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Allen Yeung; the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Mr Albert Wong; and the Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Mr Johann Wong.
Ends/Saturday, October 21, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:27
Today's Press Releases  


The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (fifth right); the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Mrs Fanny Law (fifth left); the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing (fourth left); the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Allen Yeung (first left); the Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Mr Johann Wong (first right), and other guests officiate at the opening ceremony of the InnoCarnival 2017 at the Hong Kong Science Park today (October 21).
The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (centre), and other officiating guests visit the workshop under the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups' "Learning through Engineering, Art and Design" (LEAD) project at the InnoCarnival 2017 today (October 21).
The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (fifth right), and other officiating guests experience the virtual 3D image environment enabled by Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platform during their visit to the booth of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation at the InnoCarnival 2017 today (October 21).