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HAD's clarification on fraudulent messages regarding distribution of gift packs
     ýÿIn connection with recent circulation of a WhatsApp message alleging people aged 55 or above are eligible to obtain a gift pack through registration at District Offices, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) has clarified that the message was untrue.
     The HAD reiterated that the home visits under the "Celebrations for All" Project (the Project) are implemented by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) through the assistance of the 18 District Offices. The project aims to arrange volunteers from participating NGOs to visit about 150 000 households of elderly people and 150 000 families in need, and present them with gift packs themed the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Participating NGOs will, on the basis of their service network, identify suitable households for the visits and directly liaise with the visit targets to arrange the home visits. The home visit programme has started in late May 2017. Under the Project, there is no way for members of the public to register at NGOs or government departments for gift packs.
     Since the similar fraudulent WhatsApp message circulated in end April and recent days misled and caused inconvenience to the elderly, members of the public, relevant community services organisations and government departments, the HAD has referred the case to the Police for follow-up action.
Ends/Monday, June 26, 2017
Issued at HKT 20:25
Today's Press Releases