Goods vehicles safety enforcement operation starts

     The Police will hold a territory-wide operation starting from tomorrow (June 9) to June 12 to encourage safe driving among goods vehicle drivers.

     During the operation, Police will take stringent enforcement actions against goods vehicles-related offences, with a view to raising drivers½Ê awareness of road safety.

     According to Police figures, there were 988 traffic accidents involving goods vehicles from January to April, causing 1,315 casualties and 16 fatalities.

     Police spokesman said that the main contributory factors to the accidents were driving inattentively, driving too close to the vehicle in front, careless lane changing, improper or illegal turn, and reversing negligently.

     The Police reminded members of the public that traffic accidents can be fatal. Goods vehicle drivers are urged to obey road traffic regulations, pay attention to road safety and not to use mobile device while driving.

     For more road safety information, please visit the Police website:

Ends/Thursday, June 8, 2017
Issued at HKT 15:05