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Results of applications for sixth-round funding exercise of Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme announced
     The Home Affairs Bureau today (June 1) announced the results of applications for the sixth-round funding exercise of the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme. A total of 14 successful applications will be funded with Springboard Grants or Project Grants at a total funding amount of around $29.4 million.
     The funding scheme has been met with an encouraging response from the arts sector and a total of 62 applications were received for the sixth-round funding exercise. The successful applications are of high standard and with diverse representation across genres covering music, dance, theatre, visual arts, media arts, arts education, community arts and multi-disciplinary arts.
     The successful applicants (in alphabetical order) are as follows:
Name of Organisation Title of Proposal
The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Company Limited* Arts for Change
Alice Theatre Laboratory Limited Postdramatic Theatre Laboratory
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong Limited Bug Symphony
Daaimung Lights Up the CityUˇArchitectural Projection Mapping in Public Estates
DancingAngels Dance for Self-healing Project - In Search of Happy Living through Dancing
Die Konzertisten Charity Institute Limited Project H.I.P.
Ho Bit Goon Limited The Mapping of Voices: A Participating Theatre Project
Hong Kong Festival Fringe Limited "Jazz-Go-Central, Jazz-Go-Fringe" - Jazz Music Development Project (working title)
On & On Theatre Workshop Company Limited Towards Twentieth Anniversary: Theatre Seasons Blossom
Play Depot Limited Play-forms
SingFest Limited choral:Images
St James' Settlement Our Stories - Memories in Clay
Unlock Dancing Plaza Limited Body • Dance Vision
Wind Mill Grass Theatre Limited Never Ending HK

* Successful applicant for Springboard Grant
Note: The award of grants is subject to the successful applicants' signing of funding agreements with the Government.
     Introduced in 2011, the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Home Affairs Bureau is administered on the advice of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development. Members of the Committee take part in the assessment of applications together with the Expert Advisers. Under the Scheme, there are Springboard Grants, with matching elements, as well as direct Project Grants. The funding scheme aims to provide funding support for innovative and impactful proposals that contribute to the objectives of capacity development, programme/content development, audience building and arts education. It also seeks to provide an avenue of support for large scale and cross-year arts and cultural initiatives/activities so as to enhance capacity development for promising arts groups and arts practitioners as well as to encourage the community and the private sector to support and sponsor the arts.
Ends/Thursday, June 1, 2017
Issued at HKT 11:15
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