TD campaign raises commercial vehicle drivers' safe driving and health awareness (with photo)

     The Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport), Mr Joseph Lai, today (November 9) encouraged transport trade members and commercial vehicle drivers to participate in the activities of the Safe Driving and Health Campaign, which aims to raise professional drivers' awareness of safe driving and maintaining good health.

     Speaking at a ceremony in support of the ongoing campaign, Mr Lai said that improper driving habits such as inattentive driving, following too close to the vehicle in front and careless lane changing are the major causes of traffic accidents. He also said he believes that experienced commercial drivers appreciate the importance of having a proper attitude to driving. 

     ýÿMr Lai said that recently a number of serious traffic accidents involving commercial vehicles have happened at night or in the small hours of the morning. He reminded drivers working at night that they should abide by temporary traffic signs and lights, and reduce vehicle speed before approaching road sections with road works being carried out to minimise traffic accidents.

     ýÿHe said that the Government attaches great importance to combating drink driving and drug driving, and noted that the number of arrests last year relating to these two offences hit a record low in six years and that the government will continue to enhance its publicity work and law enforcement.

     This is the eighth consecutive year that the Transport Department (TD) has organised the Safe Driving and Health Campaign. The campaign this year has four main themes: observing good driving attitudes, respecting other road users, not driving after drinking or taking drugs, and maintaining good health at all times.

     Commercial vehicle drivers can enjoy free health check-ups at designated medical centres in the territory through participation in the campaign. In addition, the TD will continue to disseminate road safety messages to commercial vehicle drivers through seminars and workshops, regular meetings with the public transport sector and free publications to the industry.

     Other officiating guests at today's ceremony included the Commissioner for Transport, Mrs Ingrid Yeung; the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations), Mr Lau Yip-shing; the Chairman of the Transport Advisory Committee, Mr Larry Kwok; and the Chairman of the Road Safety Campaign Committee of the Road Safety Council, Dr Eric Cheng.

Ends/Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Issued at HKT 17:10