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InnoCarnival 2016 opens today (with photos/video)
     InnoCarnival 2016, organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, opened today (October 29) at the Hong Kong Science Park in Sha Tin.

     The nine-day carnival, which runs from today until November 6, features a series of activities to help promote a culture of innovation and technology (I&T) in the community. This year's InnoCarnival carries the theme of "Smart LivingDĄInnovative Hong Kong".

     Addressing the opening ceremony, the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, said that the Government has been striving to foster a conducive environment for research and development (R&D) and creativity, and has been focusing on the development of high-end manufacturing related to artificial intelligence, big data, and Internet of Things.

     He added that the Government has also been, through various funding schemes, cultivating young people's interest in I&T and encouraging them to innovate. He was pleased to note that the Hong Kong's I&T achievements have gained international recognition.

     The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation are campaign partners of the InnoCarnival 2016.

     This year, around 70 programme partners including local universities, R&D centres, professional bodies, government departments, technology start-ups and youth education organisations, etc. will showcase their innovations and research achievements, including robotics, green technology and technological innovations.

     Over 30 talks and seminars, more than 300 workshops and over 300 guided tours are open to members of the public.

     Members of the public are invited to attend and admission is free. For programme details and enrolment for the activities, please visit www.itm.gov.hk or contact the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups by calling 2561 6149 or emailing itmonth@hkfyg.org.hk.

     Other guests attending the opening ceremony today included the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang; Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; Legislative Council Members Mr Wong Ting-kwong, Mr Charles Mok, Dr Elizabeth Quat, Dr Lo Wai-kwok and Ms Yung Hoi-yan; the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Dr Rosanna Wong; the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Mr Chua Hoi-wai; the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Annie Choi; and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Mr Albert Wong.
Ends/Saturday, October 29, 2016
Issued at HKT 16:11
Today's Press Releases  


The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, addresses the opening ceremony of InnoCarnival 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park this afternoon (October 29).
The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, attended the opening ceremony of InnoCarnival 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park this afternoon (October 29). Photo shows Mr Tsang (sixth right); the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (sixth left); the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing (fifth right), and other officiating guests at the opening ceremony.
The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (eighth right, back row) ; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing (fourth right, back row); the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Annie Choi (fifth left, back row), and other officiating guests pose for a group photo with Cybathlon athletes at the InnoCarnival 2016 at Hong Kong Science Park today (October 29). At one of the booths, they learn how robotics assistive devices have helped the Cybathlon athletes with disabilities to achieve outstanding performance.
The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang (third right, back row), the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing (first left, back row), and other officiating guests visit the workshop under the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups' "Learning through Engineering, Art and Design" (LEAD) project at the InnoCarnival 2016 today (October 29). LEAD is a creativity education project initiated by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Audio / Video

FS to attend opening ceremony of InnoCarnival 2016