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"Savouring Hong Kong·Liaoning 2016" to deepen economic, trade and cultural exchange and co-operation between Hong Kong and Liaoning
     To further broaden and deepen exchange and co-operation in areas including commerce, trade and culture between Hong Kong and Liaoning Province for mutually beneficial development, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will co-host the "Savouring Hong KongýÿLiaoning 2016" programme with the People's Government of Liaoning Province. Under the programme, a series of events will be held jointly by the Liaoning Liaison Unit of the HKSAR Government (LNLU) and the Dalian Municipal People's Government in Dalian, Liaoning, from August 26 to September 4.

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government, Mr Gregory So; the Vice-Governor of the People's Government of Liaoning Province, Mr Bing Zhigang; the Director of the Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing (Beijing Office), Ms Gracie Foo; leaders of the Dalian Municipal People's Government; and other senior officials from the governments of the HKSAR, Liaoning Province and Dalian Municipality will attend and officiate at the opening ceremony of "Savouring Hong KongýÿLiaoning 2016".

     The series of events comprises the "2016 Hong Kong Trendy Products Expo, Dalian", the "Taste of Hong Kong" Thematic Exhibition, the Seminar on "Big Data and Marketing Strategy in the 'Internet-Plus' Era - Liaoning Enterprises to Capitalise on the Wisdom of Hong Kong to Pursue Opportunities under the Belt and Road Initiative" (the Seminar), the 5th Hong Kong Thematic Film Festival and the "Belt and Road Initiative - Joining Hands for Mutual Benefits" Thematic Exhibition (the "Belt and Road" Thematic Exhibition).

     The "2016 Hong Kong Trendy Products Expo, Dalian" is co-hosted by the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (CMA) and the People's Government of Liaoning Province, and organised by the Dalian Municipal People's Government. The fair, which will be held from August 26 to 29 at the Dalian World Expo Center, will showcase products of Hong Kong brands including fashion and accessories, jewellery and watches, as well as beauty and health products. Live performance by the Hong Kong Police Band, demonstration of the making of Hong Kong-style milk tea and a lucky draw will also be staged for the enjoyment and participation of visitors. During the fair, the "Taste of Hong Kong" Thematic Exhibition on gourmet arts co-organised by the LNLU and the Hong Kong Tourism Board will also be held to let visitors experience Hong Kong's gourmet culture through the senses of sight, hearing and touch.

     In addition, the "Dalian + Hong Kong Brand Festival", which is jointly organised by the CMA and Hong Kong Brand Development Council and funded by the HKSAR Government, will be staged at the same venue. A large brand experience zone will be set up while cultural and entertainment performances and fun games will be staged to allow Mainland consumers to experience Hong Kong and its brands' products.

     To enable Liaoning enterprises to draw on the rich experience of Hong Kong in marketing and other areas, the HKSAR Government will hold the Seminar in collaboration with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council on August 26. Noted marketing professionals from Hong Kong will attend the seminar to brief participants on the application of big data in exploring business opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative in the "Internet Plus" era.

     In addition, the Beijing Office, the LNLU and Broadway Cinematheque are jointly presenting the 5th Hong Kong Thematic Film Festival entitled "Heroes in the World of Good and Evil", featuring crime and action films. The film festival was jointly curated by Ringo Lam and Johnnie To, two leading crime and action film directors in Hong Kong cinema. The film festival will be launched at the Cinema Palace in Olympia 66, Dalian, on August 26. Renowned action-movie star Kara Wai, who was the first awardee of the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress, has been invited to attend the opening ceremony as the film ambassador to help promote the film festival. During the film festival, eight Hong Kong films, namely "The Inspector Wears Skirts", "The Killer", "Once a Thief", "Prison on Fire", "The System", "Police Story", "Loving You" and "As Tears Go By", will be screened.

     Separately, the Beijing Office and the LNLU will stage the "Belt and Road" Thematic Exhibition at Olympia 66 from August 26 to 31 to highlight Hong Kong's unique advantages in the finance, trade, transportation, logistics and legal service sectors and showcase how Hong Kong complements the national "go global" strategy and plays the role of a "super-connector" between the Mainland and the economies along the Belt and Road routes.

     Under the purview of the Beijing Office, the LNLU, which commenced operation on December 29, 2014, strives to strengthen the HKSAR Government's connections with different levels of government agencies in the three north-eastern provinces in the Mainland; promote economic and trade relations with Liaoning Province; promote Hong Kong's advantages and enhance the Mainland people's understanding of Hong Kong; liaise with Hong Kong people living, working or studying in the three north-eastern provinces; and provide support to Hong Kong residents and enterprises in the area. Hong Kong residents can contact the LNLU by telephone at (86 24) 3125 5575 or by email at lnlu@bjo.gov.hk for enquiries.
Ends/Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Issued at HKT 14:00
Today's Press Releases  
