Police condemn law-breaking behaviours of protestors

     Protestors conducted a public procession in Central last night (July 1) without notifying Police according to the law. Police condemn the participants for charging Police cordon lines and refusing to co-operate with Police.
     Although the protestors conducted public procession from Central Government Offices to the Government House in Central without notifying Police according to the law, Police assisted them in proceeding to the Government House in a safe manner to conduct protest. As the road outside the main entrance of the Government House on Upper Albert Road is narrow, to protect public safety and public order, Police set up cordon lines on Lower Albert Road to enable the public activity to be conducted at the east gate of the Government House.

     During the protest, some protestors pushed police officers and charged Police cordon lines. Police issued multiple advice and warnings, including the display of warning banners, but the protestors refused to comply. Police had no other alternatives but to discharge OC foam to preserve public order and safeguard public safety.

     Police condemned the protestors for their law-breaking acts which endangered the safety of themselves and others.

     Police reiterate that we respect the public's freedoms of expression, speech and assembly. It is the policy of Police to facilitate all lawful and peaceful public events while at the same time ensuring public safety and public order. Resolute enforcement actions will be taken against any illegal acts to preserve public order and safeguard public safety.

Ends/Saturday, July 2, 2016
Issued at HKT 01:57