Territory-wide operation to target illegal parking

     Police yesterday (June 7) concluded a one-week territory-wide operation targeting illegal parking and congestion related moving offences, in particular double-parking and stopping in restricted zones. Through concerted and high visibility enforcement actions, the operation aims to change the undesirable behaviour of drivers with a view to preventing traffic accidents and maintaining smooth traffic flow.
     A total of 40,762 fixed penalty tickets were issued during the operational period from June 1 to June 7 for both parking related offences and congestion related moving offences.
     A Police spokesman said that the operation was a strategic measure targeting the undesirable behaviour of some drivers, where a poor driving manner often contributed towards accidents and the parking of vehicles impeded traffic flow.
     Police would continue to take stringent enforcement actions to issue tickets without warning at both a local and territory-wide level at prioritised locations including traffic accident black sites, illegal parking black spots, public transport interchanges, bus or public light bus stops, taxi stands and zebra crossings. Similar territory-wide anti-illegal parking operations would be carried out from time to time in the coming year, he added.
     The Police spokesman reiterated that illegal parking and congestion related moving offences undermined road safety, in particular affecting pedestrian safety and obstructing traffic flow. Drivers were encouraged to be responsible and safe road users and respect the rights of other road users.
     The Police will continue to arouse public awareness of road safety risks as well as understanding of related offences and stringent enforcement actions involved.
     For more road safety information, please visit the Police website: www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/05_traffic_matters/enforcement.html.

Ends/Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Issued at HKT 19:22