Old and Valuable Tree at Kowloon Park removed for public safety

     In order to ensure public safety, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) today (December 18) removed an Old and Valuable Tree (OVT) which was seriously infected with brown root rot (BRR) disease and posed a potential risk of collapse at Kowloon Park in Yau Tsim Mong District.

     Located near the Viewing Cone of the park, the tree was a 15-metre-tall Chinese Banyan (Ficus microcarpa) listed on the Register of OVTs with the registration number LCSD YTM/80.

     Since the confirmation of infection with BRR disease in April this year, the department had all along carried out regular inspections and maintenance on the tree, including crown cleaning as well as application of fungicide. However, the health and structural integrity of the tree deteriorated rapidly in October with obvious signs of advanced wood decay, indicating a serious infection of BRR disease and a potential risk of collapse.

     As the tree was located on a slope in the park, and its tree crown spread outward to the crowded main passages of the park, the LCSD arranged to fell the tree upon consultation with the Tree Management Office of the Development Bureau and the Expert Panel on Tree Management to ensure public safety. The removal works were completed today.

     A spokesman for the LCSD said that the department would continue to adopt a prudent approach in inspecting and managing trees under its care. Removal of problematic trees will be undertaken only when no other viable risk mitigation measure is available.

Ends/Friday, December 18, 2015
Issued at HKT 15:58