Update on latest MERS situation in Saudi Arabia and Jordan

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (October 2) closely monitoring 10 additional cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) including two deaths reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Jordan, and again urged the public to pay special attention to safety during travel, taking due consideration of health risks of the places of visit.
     According to the WHO, the patients comprise six men and four women aged from 27 to 90 (median age 51), eight of whom have underlying illnesses. Of these, two patients have passed away, six are in stable condition and two remain asymptomatic. Among them, four are healthcare workers, five are contacts of previously confirmed patients and one had a history of frequent contact with camels and consumption of their raw milk.

     To date, 1 593 cases have been reported to the WHO, including at least 568 deaths. Of note, 1 380 were confirmed in nine Middle East countries including 1 246 in the KSA, 76 in the United Arab Emirates, 27 in Jordan, 13 in Qatar, six each in Iran and Oman, four in Kuwait, and one each in Lebanon and Yemen.
     "Travellers to the Middle East should avoid going to farms, barns or markets with camels, avoid contact with sick persons and animals, especially camels, birds or poultry, and avoid unnecessary visits to healthcare facilities. We strongly advise travel agents organising tours to the Middle East to abstain from arranging camel rides and activities involving direct contact with camels, which are known risk factors for acquiring MERS Coronavirus," the spokesman said.
     "We will maintain close communication with the WHO and relevant health authorities," the spokesman added.
     Travellers to affected areas should maintain vigilance, adopt appropriate health precautions and take heed of personal, food and environmental hygiene. The public may visit the pages below for more information and health advice:
* The CHP's MERS page (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/26511.html);
* MERS statistics in affected areas (www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/distribution_of_mers_cases_en.pdf);
* The MERS page of the DH's Travel Health Service (www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/popup/popup.html);
* The CHP Facebook Page (www.fb.com/CentreforHealthProtection);
* The CHP YouTube Channel (www.youtube.com/c/ChpGovHkChannel); and
* The WHO's latest news (www.who.int/csr/don/archive/disease/coronavirus_infections/en).
     Tour leaders and tour guides operating overseas tours are advised to refer to the CHP's health advice on MERS (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/26551.html).  

Ends/Friday, October 2, 2015
Issued at HKT 12:05