Cycling Safety Promotion Campaign 2015

The following is issued on behalf of the Road Safety Council:

     The Road Safety Council and Traffic Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong Police Force will jointly hold the Cycling Safety Promotion Campaign 2015 at the open space outside Central Pier No. 10, Central, at 10am tomorrow (October 3).

     The event will be officiated by the Chairman of the Road Safety Campaign Committee, Dr Cheng Kam-chung; the Chairlady of the Road Safety Publicity Strategy Working Group, Ms Karin Wong; the Superintendent of Police, Investigation and Support Division of Traffic Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong Police Force, Mr Francis Mak; the Chief Inspector of the Road Safety Unit, Traffic Branch Headquarters, Hong Kong Police Force, Ms Lilian Ho; the Commander of the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (Hong Kong and Islands), Dr Baldwin Cheng; Member of Central and Western District Council, Ms Cheng Lai-king and the Chairman of the Central and Western Road Safety Campaign Committee, Mr David Tong.

     The officiating guests will present certificates to representative of six primary schools who joined the Road Safety Council Safe Cycling Training Programme 2014-2015. The event will also include a safe cycling sharing session by former member of the Hong Kong Cycling Team, Mr Kan Koon-hang; a recycled bicycle design sharing session by Hong Kong designer Mr Alan Chong and actor Mr Glen Lee; a cycling performance by the Civil Aid Service Cadet Bicycle Demonstration Team; a yo-yo performance by the Western District Integrated Social Service Centre of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association, and a rope skipping performance by Hong Kong Professional Rope Skipping Training Club.  

     Members of the public are welcome to participate.

Ends/Friday, October 2, 2015
Issued at HKT 11:58