The Hong Kong-Taoyuan Inter-city Forum 2015 jointly held by the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Taiwan) (HKETCO) and the Taoyuan City Government in Taoyuan today (August 6) was well received, attracting the attendance of about 200 government officials, experts and relevant stakeholders from Hong Kong and Taoyuan.
The forum focused on how new business opportunities for various industries can be created by taking advantage of airport and city development. It also discussed the latest trends in the convention and exhibition industry as well as the logistics industry. The Mayor of Taoyuan City, Mr Cheng Wen-tsan, delivered opening remarks at the forum.
During the forum, the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, gave a keynote speech on the importance of Hong Kong's aviation hub in driving economic development and enhancing global connectivity. He said that the relocation of Hong Kong airport from Kai Tak to Chek Lap Kok at the north of Lantau Island helped build a strong foundation for Hong Kong to become an international aviation hub. The Airport Authority Hong Kong is taking forward the implementation of the three-runway system project to maintain Hong Kong's aviation competitiveness. After the completion of the system, the handling capacities in passenger traffic and freight cargo will be increased to around 100 million and 8.9 million tonnes respectively per year by 2030, bringing additional economic benefits of $455 billion.
Speaking at the close of the forum, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, said that the establishment of the Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Cooperation and Promotion Council and its counterpart the Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation Council in 2010 in Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively enhanced the co-operation between the two places. In addition, the inter-city forum has become an important platform for enhancing exchanges between Hong Kong and different cities and counties in Taiwan. He said he hoped that the two places would continue exchanges and connections in different aspects, including infrastructure, city management, trade and culture.
Other Hong Kong speakers included the Director of International & Mainland Relations of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Mr William Chui, and the Chief Executive Officer of Cathay Pacific Services Limited, Mr Kelvin Ko. Mr Chui analysed the important elements leading to the success of Hong Kong's convention and exhibition industry, including its strategic location and highly developed infrastructure. He also shared with participants the experiences of the HKTDC in organising large-scale exhibitions. Meanwhile, Mr Ko explored the new thinking and challenges in aviation, and the relationships between freight cargo and international trade business.
During a question-and-answer session, the HKETCO Director, Mr John Leung, exchanged views with speakers and guests on how Hong Kong and Taiwan can enhance co-operation in the logistics industry as well as the convention and exhibition industry. He noted that the two places could develop their strengths in the aforesaid industries and continue exchanges in other industries at the same time. By complementing each other, Hong Kong and Taiwan could enhance competitiveness and grasp business opportunities in the Belt-Road initiative.
The Deputy Mayor of Taoyuan City, Mr Wang Ming-teh, also spoke at the close of the forum. Other Taiwan speakers and guests included the Director of the Economic Development Department of the Taoyuan City Government, Mr Chang Chang-tsair; the Chairman of the Taiwan Convention and Exhibition Association and President of GIS Group, Mr Jason Yeh; the Chairman of the Taiwan Association of Logistics Management, Mr Teddy Chen; and the General Manager of Elite Professional Conference Organizer, Mr James Wu.
The HKETCO has co-organised inter-city forums with the Taipei City Government and the Taichung City Government in the past two years. The forum moved to Taoyuan this year and concluded successfully. The HKETCO will continue to enhance co-operation and exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan for the development of new business opportunities.
Ends/Thursday, August 6, 2015
Issued at HKT 20:06