SCMA starts visit to Changsha, Zhengzhou (with photos)

     The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, started his three-day duty visit to Hunan and Henan provinces today (July 28) to deepen his understanding on the latest developments of the central region of the Mainland and to explore room for co-operation with the two provinces.

     Upon his arrival in Changsha, Hunan today, he had meetings with the Vice Governor of the Hunan Provincial Government, Mr Zhang Jianfei, and the Mayor of the Changsha Municipal Government, Mr Hu Henghua, to discuss issues of mutual concern.

     In the afternoon, he visited the Changsha National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and exchanged views with representatives of companies establishing their presence in the zone. In the evening, he met with Hong Kong businessmen in Changsha to understand their business and operation and the development opportunities in the central region of the Mainland.

     Mr Tam will tomorrow attend a seminar on Hong Kong's city planning and deliver a speech at the seminar. He will depart for Zhengzhou, Henan tomorrow afternoon.

Ends/Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Issued at HKT 22:17