Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, on the Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong's Built Environment 2015~2025+ after attending a radio interview today (May 16):
Reporter: Mr Wong, what are the challenges that the Environment Bureau will face in the coming few years when carrying out these energy saving policies?
Secretary for the Environment: The plan (Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong's Built Environment 2015~2025+) has mapped out various challenges but I would like to highlight two aspects. One is the behavioural change because it is very important no matter in commercial buildings or in residential buildings and how people behave would affect significantly in the use of energy. Secondly is how to tackle the existing buildings, in particular the commercial buildings, when they were designed or built, they were not up to the modern energy saving standard. So, their retrofit and retro-commissioning would be the key terms. In our blueprint, we said the timeline is that in the coming one to two years, we will have a dialogue between the Environment Bureau and the key stakeholders so that we can map out how we can accelerate the market transformation in relation to the commercial buildings.
Reporter: Who are the stakeholders when you engage the dialogue with them? How important their roles are?
Secretary for the Environment: The key stakeholders include developers, property managers, utilities companies, and also other related professionals.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
Ends/Saturday, May 16, 2015
Issued at HKT 11:36