CE meets China Investment Corporation Chairman and CEO (with photo)

     The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, met the visiting Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China Investment Corporation (CIC), Mr Ding Xuedong, at the Chief Executive's Office this afternoon (January 19) to exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

     Mr Leung said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has been endeavouring to promote the development of offshore Renminbi (RMB) businesses in Hong Kong. He said that with the staunch support of the Central Government, Hong Kong has become the largest offshore RMB business, financing and asset management centre in the world. The launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect further reinforced Hong Kong's status as the prime offshore RMB business centre.

     Noting the advantages of both "One Country" and "Two Systems" enjoyed by Hong Kong, Mr Leung encouraged CIC to leverage on the excellent investment platform in the city to develop its global businesses.

Ends/Monday, January 19, 2015
Issued at HKT 18:19