Hong Kong Underwater Photo and Video Competition 2014 concludes successfully (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Underwater Photo and Video Competition 2014 has concluded successfully with an award presentation held today (October 18).

     A spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said, "The Hong Kong Underwater Photo and Video Competition, launched in 2012, is co-organised by the AFCD and the Hong Kong Underwater Association. Entering its third year, the competition this year has drawn 522 entries, representing an increase of 43 per cent over last year's figure. The overwhelming response from divers fond of photography has pushed the number of entries to new heights year after year.

     "The overall standard of entries, both photos and videos, in the past years was outstanding. Recording the beauty of marine life and habitats in Hong Kong waters, these photos and videos form a valuable databank that would help the public learn more about our marine environment and is conducive to enhancing awareness of conservation."

     The competition comprised two photo categories, Macro & Close-up Group and Standard & Wide Angle Group, as well as a video category. All entries had to feature marine ecology, habitats or marine life in Hong Kong waters and they must have been taken during the period from September 15, 2013, to September 14, 2014.

     In each category, a champion, a first runner-up and a second runner-up were selected, and in each photo category, 10 outstanding awards were also given. This year, the judging panel gave two special prizes to photos that promote the message of marine conservation.

     The list of the winners and their winning entries can be viewed at the AFCD's website: www.afcd.gov.hk/english/conservation/con_mar/con_mar_cor/photo_com_2014.html .

     A roving exhibition featuring the winning entries will be held in the coming months. Details are as follows:

Date: November 19 to 24
Time: 10am to 5pm
Venue: Hong Kong Wetland Park
Date: December 12 to 14
Time: Noon to 8pm (December 12)
      Noon to 7pm (December 13)
      Noon to 6pm (December 14)
Venue: Diving & Resort Travel Expo, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

     Members of the public are invited to visit the roving exhibition. For enquiries, please call 1823 or visit the AFCD website (www.afcd.gov.hk).

Ends/Saturday, October 18, 2014
Issued at HKT 16:15