The Lands Department today (March 25) announced that the tenders for two residential sites have been awarded on 50-year land grants at a total premium of $1,847 million.
Sha Tin Town Lot No. 581 at Whitehead, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin, New Territories, was awarded to Good Assets Limited (parent company: Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited) at $1,826 million. Lot No. 682 in Demarcation District Peng Chau at Kau Yuk Road, Peng Chau, New Territories, was awarded to Sino Kingdom Development Limited (parent company: Fame State Investments Limited) at $21 million.
"Authority from the Central Tender Board was given to the Lands Department to award the two sites to the highest tenderers," a Lands Department spokesman said.
The tenderers, other than the successful tenderer, in respect of each lot in alphabetical order with the name of the parent company where provided by the tenderer in brackets were:
(a) Sha Tin Town Lot No. 581
(1) Capital Bright Development Limited (Sino Land Company Limited)
(2) Dream Garden Investments Limited (New World Development Company Limited and Henderson Land Development Company Limited)
(3) Ease Treasure Investment Limited (Great Eagle Holdings Limited)
(4) Handy Solution Limited (Wheelock Properties Limited)
(5) Manful Global Development Limited (K. Wah International Holdings Limited)
(6) NMC 8 Limited (Kerry Properties Limited)
(7) Polyland Development Limited (Far East Consortium International Limited)
(8) Smart Base Holdings Limited (Paliburg Holdings Limited and Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited)
(9) Time Fort Limited (K&K Property Holdings Limited)
(10) Wilson Investments Limited (Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited)
(b) Lot No. 682 in Demarcation District Peng Chau
(1) Beacon Hill Garden Limited
(2) Fortune In Wealth Company Limited
Sha Tin Town Lot No. 581 has a site area of about 37 700 square metres and is designated for private residential purposes. The minimum gross floor area and the maximum gross floor area are 24 000 sq m and 40 000 sq m respectively.
Lot No. 682 in Demarcation District Peng Chau has a site area of about 1 742 sq m and is designated for private residential purposes. The minimum gross floor area and the maximum gross floor area are 784 sq m and 1 306.5 sq m respectively.
Ends/Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Issued at HKT 17:00