The Lands Department today (December 6) announced the resumption of land for the implementation of the second phase of the Urban Renewal Authority's (URA) development scheme at Peel Street/Graham Street in Sheung Wan for urban renewal.
The development scheme was included in the URA's business plan for 2007-08. Its implementation will help improve the general environment of the locality while preserving the local character and blending the old with the new.
The second phase of the development scheme covers Site A and Site C located at Gage Street, Graham Street, Peel Street, Wellington Street, Gutzlaff Street and Staveley Street. A total of 36 private property interests will be resumed under the Lands Resumption Ordinance in this second and last phase. The affected interests will revert to the Government three months from the date on which the resumption notice is affixed on-site. Details of the private land affected are gazetted today.
Apart from their entitlement to statutory compensation, eligible owners of domestic properties will be offered an ex-gratia home purchase allowance or supplementary allowance as appropriate. Eligible domestic occupiers will be offered rehousing in the Hong Kong Housing Authority or Hong Kong Housing Society units, or an ex-gratia cash allowance.
Eligible commercial property occupiers, including owners and tenants, may choose ex-gratia allowance in lieu of the right to make statutory claims for business and related losses.
Affected owners and tenants of both domestic and commercial properties will also have the right to make statutory claims under the Lands Resumption Ordinance. If the claims are not settled by agreement, the owners and tenants may apply to the Lands Tribunal for adjudication. Professional fees reasonably incurred for making such claims may be reimbursed by the Government.
The whole development scheme comprising Site A, Site B and Site C covers a total area of about 5 267 square metres. In order to maintain the vibrancy of the adjacent Graham Street/Peel Street open-air market, and to minimise the impact of the redevelopment on the market operation, the Chief Executive in Council approved in 2010 the implementation of the project with a phased demolition and redevelopment approach. Under the approach, resumption of land for redevelopment at Site B would be proceeded with in the first phase, to be followed by resumption at Site A and Site C in the second phase.
In July 2012, the land at Site B was granted to the URA for the first phase development where a multi-storey residential block and a two-storey retail block designated for selling fresh food will be built. In future, a multi-storey residential block with retail floor and a community hall will be built at Site A, while a multi-storey office tower and a hotel block with retail facility will be built at Site C. The development scheme as a whole will provide about 2 060 square metres of public open space.
Ends/Friday, December 6, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:30