Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Brussels, promotes Hong Kong films in Brussels (English only) (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Brussels (Brussels ETO) hosted a reception at the Cinema Galeries in the historic heart of the city on August 26 (Brussels time) on the occasion of the opening of the Hong Kong Film Panorama.

     The 2012-2013 edition of the annual touring festival of recent Hong Kong films organised by the Brussels ETO, has already been held in Lisbon, Florence, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Rome. After Brussels, the festival's next stop will be Bordeaux in September.

     Four films will be screened in Brussels between August 26 and September 5, namely Mr Yim Ho's "Floating City", Mr Alan Mak and Mr Felix Chong's "Overheard 2", Ms Ann Hui's "A Simple Life", and Mr Derek Yee's "The Great Magician".

     Welcoming over 120 guests, the Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Union, Ms Linda Lai, said Hong Kong has long been a place of open borders and open minds, with a cultural mix of Chinese and Western influences. The city safeguards and respects cultural freedom and artistic creation. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are enshrined in the constitutional document, the Basic Law. This helps to create an environment that encourages creativity and diversity.

     She seized the opportunity to promote the latest exhibition about Bruce Lee in Hong Kong. "This year marks the fortieth anniversary of Bruce Lee's premature death at the age of 32, and as a tribute, a major exhibition on his life and work was opened at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, where it will remain until 2018. If you are a kung-fu lover, the exhibition is well worth a visit", Ms Lai said.

     In addition to film appreciation, Hong Kong and Belgium also have close co-operation in other areas. In September, Brussels ETO will support a delegation of Hong Kong fashion designers to showcase their work in Brussels on the occasion of the annual Brussels design festival, Design September, which has become an absolute must for design enthusiasts in Belgium and surrounding countries. In December, Belgian design will be the highlight of Hong KongĄ¯s Business of Design Week 2013, Asia's annual leading event on design innovation and brands which has Belgium as the partner country this year.

Ends/Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Issued at HKT 22:54