The Acting Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Food), Mr Christopher Wong Kwok-bun, together with representative from the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (CFS) today (August 6) met with the importer of a milk formula product now being recalled in Hong Kong. The product concerned, Cow & Gate Happy Kid 3 (growing up formula for 1 to 3 years old) (Batch: 3178 and 3179), is suspected to be affected by Clostridium botulinum-contaminated ingredients.
In the meeting, Mr Wong learnt about the latest progress of the precautionary recall exercise. The importer pledged to complete the recall as soon as possible. The importer indicated that among the over 80 000 tins of milk powder concerned that have entered the Hong Kong market, they were confident that over 60 000 tins could be recalled within two days. The remaining some 20 000 tins could possibly be in retailers¡¯ storage or sold to customers (including tourists).
Mr Wong urged the importer to ensure that the recall is conducted smoothly and thoroughly, and should be completed as soon as possible to safeguard public health. The importer should also ensure that they have sufficient manpower to handle enquiries from the affected people.
The meeting also discussed measures to strengthen the monitoring of foods in local market to check if Clostridium botulinum-contaminated ingredients are used. In addition to alerting the trade of the food incident concerning Fonterra's products, the CFS has deployed staff to step up checks at retail outlets. So far no other affected products known to the CFS that required to be recalled has been found on sale in the local market. The CFS will monitor the situation closely and sample relevant milk powder products for testing to ensure that they are safe for consumption.
The CFS will continue to strengthen liaison and co-operation with the New Zealand authority and the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine to keep an eye on the developments of the matters. The New Zealand Consulate-General Hong Kong has assured the CFS that as and when any new information about their food incident comes to light, they will share it with the CFS in the first instance, as they have been doing in the past few days.
The CFS has taken the initiative to keep close contact with the major local food trade to monitor if any affected products have been imported to Hong Kong, and will take appropriate actions whenever necessary to safeguard public health and food safety. The CFS will also report the latest situation to the public every day to keep them abreast of the most updated situation.
The hotlines set up by the CFS and the Department of Health (DH) for the incident have operated smoothly so far. As at 4pm today, the CFS' hotline 3978 0600 received 524 enquiries; whilst the DH's hotline 2125 1111 received 184 enquiries. None of the enquiries was related to suspected botulism. A system has been put in place whereby relevant departments can refer cases with suspected clinical features to the Hospital Authority (HA) for follow-up action. Both hotlines will continue to operate till 6pm on August 9.
The HA has reminded frontline staff of public hospitals to accord appropriate treatment/medical services to children who have consumed concerned batches of infant formula if they seek medical consultation. The HA issued alert messages to their frontline doctors yesterday regarding information on infant botulism.
On another development, concerning the recall of Abbott formula product (ÑÅÅàÓ׶ùϲ¿µÁ¦£¨3¶Î£©900¿Ë¹Þ×°) in the Mainland today, the CFS has contacted the supplier of the concerned product immediately and learnt that no affected product was imported to Hong Kong.
For the recall of all batches of Karicare Stage 1 New Baby Infant Formula and Karicare Gold+ Stage 2 Follow On Formula by Nutricia New Zealand Limited, the CFS understands that the recall of the products concerned is limited to the New Zealand only. The CFS will continue to closely follow up with the New Zealand Consulate-General Hong Kong and the New Zealand authorities. Meanwhile, the CFS has conducted investigation and so far found that four suppliers have imported the relevant products. The CFS noted that one of the suppliers is thinking of recalling the imported products and it is offering assistance to that supplier in this regard.
Ends/Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Issued at HKT 23:12