Hong Kong Museum of Art opens its doors to students with "A Night at the Museum of Art with Andy Warhol" (with photos)

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has collaborated with the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to organise museum nights at the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMA). This year's events are a follow-up to a successful programme, "A Night at the Science Museum", held by HKU at the Hong Kong Science Museum in 2011.

     Held on February 22 and March 8, "A Night at the Museum of Art with Andy Warhol" was co-organised by the HKMA and HKU as one of the programmes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the HKMA and the centenary of HKU. This is also the first time for the HKMA to open its doors overnight, allowing almost 600 students from more than 50 secondary schools to take part in an array of cross-disciplinary art programmes in the museum and spend an unforgettable night with the "Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal" exhibition.

     The opening ceremony of the event was held in the evening today (March 8). Officiating guests included the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mrs Betty Fung; the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (University Relations) of HKU, Professor Chow Shew-ping; Court Member of HKU, Ms Priscilla Wong; and the Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Ms Eve Tam.

     Inspired by Andy Warhol's famous artwork "Time Capsule", the officiating guests were invited to create a time capsule with the students. They placed items related to the theme of "Capture the Beauty of Hong Kong in 2013" into the time capsule. The Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts at HKU, Professor John Carroll, also led a brief discussion with the officiating guests on the meanings of the items that were placed in the time capsule.

     As the exhibition "Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal" is currently being held in the HKMA, the programmes of "A Night at the Museum of Art" were tailored to match with the pop art culture promoted by Andy Warhol and provide the participating students with an opportunity to learn more about Warhol's art. Through exploring Warhol's creative concepts, the students are expected to think outside the box, develop their own thoughts towards art and participate in art.

     In order to make the event more fulfilling for students, a number of activities are being offered to the participants, including talks, an exhibition guided tour, a concert, and workshops in diverse themes. Conducted by artists and professionals from different fields, workshops featuring silk screening, dance, album cover design, fashion design and technology have been prepared for the participants.

     For more details about "A Night at the Museum of Art with Andy Warhol", please check the website at 100.hku.hk/artmuseum or its page on Facebook at facebook.com/museumnighthk.

Ends/Friday, March 8, 2013
Issued at HKT 22:35